11 natural options for sty treatment

11 natural options for sty treatment

In addition to bothering, sty also hurts and irritates. Check out eleven natural remedies that work as a home treatment for the problemRhett Wesley image in UnsplashA sty, also called hordeolum, is an inflammation of the eye caused by the clogging of the eyelash glands with fat, and it can also occur due to bacterial infections.
How to be a vegetarian: 12 must-see tips

How to be a vegetarian: 12 must-see tips

Attitude of being a vegetarian helps the person, the pocket and the environmentSome campaigns, such as the Monday Without Meat movement, show the benefits of being a vegetarian or of having this style of eating at least a few days a week. Individual examples can also have a positive influence on this type of behavior, such as the testimony of TreeHugger founder Graham Hill, who explains why he became a vegetarian every weekday (see video at the bottom of the page).
Too much omega 3 can be harmful

Too much omega 3 can be harmful

Consuming omega 3 is essential for health, but taking supplements in capsules has contraindications and can bring harm. UnderstandOmega 3 is a set of polyunsaturated fatty acids essential for the proper functioning of the human body. It maintains the health of cell membranes, brain functions and the quality of nerve impulse transmission.
Triclosan: undesirable omnipresence

Triclosan: undesirable omnipresence

Learn all about the dangers of triclosan and find out about alternative productsImage from WikiImages by PixabayTriclosan is an antiseptic product belonging to the group of phenols and ethers. It is considered a polychlorinated diphenyl ether (PBDE), capable of inhibiting the development of fungi, viruses and bacteria.
To lose weight with health? Adopt these 20 foods

To lose weight with health? Adopt these 20 foods

Get to know foods that are true remedies for healthy weight loss, as they contribute to dietary re-educationFood re-education is the best way to lose weight with health, as including healthy foods in your diet is the best way to help your body change the way it handles food and nutrients. Consuming foods that improve intestinal transit, fight fluid retention, speed up metabolism, cheat hunger and help burn fat is an excellent remedy for healthy weight loss - and the best part: avoid the accordion effect.
What is the best pot for cooking?

What is the best pot for cooking?

Know what materials are bad for your health and what is the best pot for cooking What is the best pot for cooking? Among the best pans are those that cook well, are healthy, and are sustainable. To help better understand this issue, the eCycle portal made a list of cookware available on the market, their advantages and disadvantages.
Saturated, unsaturated and trans fat: what's the difference?

Saturated, unsaturated and trans fat: what's the difference?

Excessive consumption of some types of fat can be harmful. UnderstandResized image by Elena Koycheva, is available on UnsplashFat is a component present in every cell in our body, classified as a macronutrient alongside proteins and carbohydrates. It is a molecule, normally formed by a chain of three fatty acids joined to a glycerol molecule.
How to make lighting fixtures: 20 ideas with everyday objects

How to make lighting fixtures: 20 ideas with everyday objects

In addition to being a great possibility for reuse, making a light fixture can make your home look beautifulWant to redecorate your home without spending too much? Learn how to make light fixtures with 20 different ideas, reusing unused objects.1. Fixture made with PET bottle bottom2. Cut papers make beautiful lamps3.
Foods rich in omega 3, 6 and 9: examples and benefits

Foods rich in omega 3, 6 and 9: examples and benefits

Consuming foods rich in omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9 helps to prevent heart attack and ischemic strokeImage: Toa Heftiba on Unsplash Omega 3, omega 6 and omega 9 are fatty acids that play fundamental roles in the proper functioning of human metabolism. As constituents of unsaturated fats, they are used by the body as energy, in addition to collaborating in the production of hormones.
What is fast fashion?

What is fast fashion?

O fast fashion encourages slave labor and, in the life cycle, emits 400% more carbon than common partsDo you like to revamp your wardrobe sometimes? want to change the look to fit in with current trends? Don't you want to wear those pants that people aren't wearing anymore? If you answered yes to the previous questions, know that you are not alone.
What is saturated fat? Its make bad?

What is saturated fat? Its make bad?

Saturated fat, like that in coconut oil, does not need to be avoided at all costs, like artificial trans fat. UnderstandEdited and resized image of Daria Nepriakhina, is available on UnsplashThe saturated fat in coconut oil, palm oil, vegetable ghee butter, fatty meats and dark chocolate has been seen as the villain of heart health since the 20th century.
Sand: what is it and what is its composition

Sand: what is it and what is its composition

Sand is composed of a set of particles that form from the erosion of rocks.Jonathan Borba image on UnsplashSand is composed of a set of degraded rock particles. Geology defines sand as the particle size fraction of soils or sediments with sizes between 0.06 and 2 mm. It is formed on the Earth's surface from the erosion of rocks and, as it is a product of sedimentary processes, sand appears at an intermediate stage in the life cycle of rocks.
How to remove mold from the wall in a natural way

How to remove mold from the wall in a natural way

With tea tree oil, vinegar and water, it is possible to eliminate the fungus and remove the moldIn some rooms of the house, such as the bathroom and kitchen, it is common to see an unwanted intruder, known by the names of mold or mildew, and which is caused by the proliferation of fungi. It appears in these rooms because they are the ones that have the greatest contact with humidity, a condition in which mold appears and reproduces.
What is thermal inversion?

What is thermal inversion?

Thermal inversion makes it difficult to disperse polluted air. Understand how this phenomenon occursThermal inversion is a phenomenon that hinders the dispersion of pollutants generated in urban centers. It is a consequence of the rapid heating and cooling of the surface and can occur naturally or be caused by the way the city is structured.
10 benefits of regular physical exercise

10 benefits of regular physical exercise

Regular physical exercise brings benefits such as improved sleep and increased life expectancyImage: Luis Quintero on UnsplashAny movement that gets your muscles working and helps your body burn calories can be considered physical exercise - jogging, walking, soccer, swimming, dancing. There are plenty of options and several researches prove the benefits of physical exercise for physical and mental health.
Eight vegetable oils to use on hair

Eight vegetable oils to use on hair

Vegetable oils provide softness and hydration to the hair, in addition to helping with dryness and with scalp diseasesThose who like to treat their highlights always end up looking for alternatives that are effective and affordable. Shampoos, conditioners and creams available on the market, in addition to being expensive, can pose risks to health and the environment.
Safflower oil: what is it for, benefits and properties

Safflower oil: what is it for, benefits and properties

Safflower oil can be used in the kitchen and on the skin.Image: Carthamus tinctorius L. by PseudoanasSafflower oil is extracted from the seeds of Carthamus tinctorius, an annual plant, with yellow or orange flowers, many branches and little known use, except for its oil. In the past, safflower flowers were typically used for paints, but they have had a wider range of uses in recent years, having been an important plant for cultures dating back to the Greeks and Egyptians.
Homemade Recipes for Oily Skin

Homemade Recipes for Oily Skin

Check out a list of eight choices of homemade recipes for oily skinIsabell Winter image on UnsplashOily skin is the result of the overproduction of sebum in the sebaceous glands. These glands are located under the surface of the skin. Sebum is an oily substance made from fats. But it's not all bad, as it helps protect and moisturize your skin and keep your hair shiny and healthy.
Natural Deodorant: Homemade or Buy?

Natural Deodorant: Homemade or Buy?

Check out some recipes on how to make your homemade natural deodorant. And, for those who don't have time, how to buy natural or vegan deodorantPhotosforyou image by PixabayMaking your own natural deodorant is an excellent alternative for sustainable consumption. In addition to being much cheaper, you'll still be avoiding the chemicals found in most industrialized deodorants.
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