Learn how to make moss graphite

Check out a step-by-step guide to make a moss graffiti and monitor its development

Moss graphite

Image: Hamilton Penna/Team eCycle

The art of graffiti is gaining more and more strength in cities around the world. Many people are adhering to this practice and supporting graffiti drawings, which help to enhance urban spaces. Names such as Cranio, Thiago Mundano, Eduardo “Kobra” and Deddo Verde, among others, emerge as recognized artists who create pieces exhibited in galleries and panels.

But even those who are not familiar with the use of paints or sprays can exercise this art. A tip is the moss graffiti or eco graffiti, which can be considered a very interesting alternative to decorate surfaces such as walls and gardens.

In order to find out how it is produced and what the result of a moss graffiti, the eCycle Team did the test. Take the opportunity to follow the moss graffiti step by step and try it at home. If you test the tutorial, comment on the experience and the result on our social networks.

How to make moss graphite

Check the necessary materials and the steps to make a moss graffiti.

Moss graphite

Image: Hamilton Penna/Team eCycle

Necessary materials:

  • Between 3 and 5 handfuls of moss (can be found on sidewalks, rocks and trees)
  • 1 can of any beer
  • 1/2 natural yogurt
  • 1 teaspoon of refined sugar or crystal
  • 2 small glasses of water (700 ml)
  • 1 spatula to remove the moss
  • 1 brush
  • 1 spray bottle
  • 1 blender (if you have an unused one, better; if not, disinfect your blender after use)
  • 1 glass container

Note: in some recipes, in addition to these ingredients, the water retaining gel appears to give the desired shape

Step by step

1. Take the blender and pour the two glasses of water:

Moss graphite

Image: Hamilton Penna/Team eCycle

2. Then insert the handfuls of moss:

Moss graphite

Image: Hamilton Penna/Team eCycle

3. After adding the moss, it's time to add the beer to the mix:

Moss graphite

Image: Hamilton Penna/Team eCycle

4. Also add natural yogurt:

Moss graphite

Image: Hamilton Penna/Team eCycle

5. Now it's time to add the sugar:

Moss graphite

Image: Hamilton Penna/Team eCycle

6. With all the ingredients inside, it's time to mix. Turn off the blender when the mixture appears dark in color:

Moss graphite

Image: Hamilton Penna/Team eCycle

7. Place the final mixture in a glass container like this:

Moss graphite

Image: Hamilton Penna/Team eCycle

8. Take a brush and draw whatever you want on a piece of wood (preferably reused or reforested) or on concrete:

Moss graphite

Image: Hamilton Penna/Team eCycle

9. Your moss graphite is ready!

Moss graphite

Image: Hamilton Penna/Team eCycle

Don't forget to water every week with the spray bottle. Now just wait for the moss graphite to grow.

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