Six tips for being more sustainable at the office

A few simple actions help keep your footprint lighter in the work environment


We spend most of the day inside an office, but we don't always adopt practices that have a “lighter footprint”. There are people who, at home, separate the garbage, avoid wasting energy and water, but in the workplace they don't worry about these things. To show that it is not difficult to have a sustainable company, we have separated six tips that are simple to be adopted in any office.


Separate all material that can be recyclable and send it to a nearby collection point. Use the tool on the upper right side of our website to locate the proper place for your trash.

Coffee break

Take your mug. Avoid disposable cups. In addition to being nice to have a stylish mug at the table, this practice reduces waste production.


Print only as a last resort and, whenever possible, use both sides of the sheet.

Another tip is to adopt Ecofont as the default font, designed with holes in the letters, which generates a reduction of up to 25% of ink. The creation is by SPRANQ, a communication agency in the Netherlands.

For more information about Ecofont, click here.

"Green" Business Cards

Business cards are an important part of a company's identity. If it is not possible to abolish them in favor of digital communication that is so in vogue, prioritize the use of recycled paper or FSC-certified paper for your cards and for stationery material (letterhead paper, envelopes and others) adds value to your brand , showing social and environmental concern.

Turn it on, turn it off!

Turn off the monitor when moving away from the computer. If it's not going to cause a problem, turn off the entire PC, at lunchtime, for example.


Whenever possible, use Skype and other resources to hold meetings at a distance, avoiding displacements and the emission of CO² by means of transport.

For more tips on how to get a lighter grip, go to Consume Consciousness!

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