How to remove mold from clothes

Removing mold from clothes doesn't have to be a drama nor does it require the use of harmful chemicals

how to remove mold from clothes

That feeling of taking an clothes or a towel from the closet and being surprised with an unpleasant musty smell and green stains is painful. In addition to the unpleasant smell getting on your clothes, mold can spread outside the closet and permeate your entire home. Therefore, knowing how to remove mold from clothes is a most important knowledge - and does not require the use of chemicals that are harmful to your health.

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Why does the musty smell appear?

The characteristic odor of mold is the result of excess moisture in the air in the environment. This allows for increased proliferation of fungi. And it really is not pleasant to find your clothes moldy . When mildew stains are recent, a simple wash is enough to remove all the mildew from clothes. In other cases, the musty smell persists in the clothes, no matter how hard you try to wash them. Sometimes you even feel like throwing your clothes away, right? Calm! Although dramatic, mold on clothing is a reversible issue. To remove mold from clothes, it is possible to adopt some homemade techniques that do not require the use of cleaning products with harmful chemical substances.

How to remove mold from clothes


If simple washing didn't work, you can try the trick of removing mold from clothes using vinegar. This technique is very simple and fast - as well as economical. Vinegar has antibiotic and antifungal properties, so it helps to eliminate both the musty smell and the fungus that causes mold stains. Pour hot water into a bowl with the garment inside and mix it with two cups of white vinegar. Soak for about eight hours. Then wash the clothing and let it dry completely before putting it away or using it again.

Sodium bicarbonate

A second step in the fight to remove mold from clothes is to mix the vinegar with the powerful sodium bicarbonate, always useful in homemade solutions. Mix the two items until you get a paste, apply to the affected area and wait 10 minutes. Then scrub with a brush, making a circular motion (be careful not to damage the fabric!). So just wash normally.

  • Baking soda and vinegar: allies in household cleaning

lemon and salt

To remove mold from clothes with salt and lemon, make a paste of equal parts salt and lemon juice. Apply the paste over the mildew stain, and then let the fabric dry in the sun. Then proceed with the normal washing of the affected clothes.

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alcohol or soap

Removing mold from leather clothing is a little more difficult task. For these parts, using an alcohol and soap can help. First scrub the stain with a soft-bristled brush. Then, put the piece to dry and then remove the mold part with a bactericidal soap (if it's a homemade or coconut soap it's better!) and water or alcohol.


For clothes that cannot be washed, it is possible to remove the mold with the method of Freezer – this method is used for some types of clothes that are made with fabrics that should not get wet. Put these types of parts in a large plastic bag and place them in the freezer. After two days, take it out and let the ice melt.


For towels, we offer the boiling trick - this practice is only recommended for towels, as it can damage other types of fabric. To start with, boil a large amount of water in a container to cover your towels. After that, pour the boiling water over the towels over a sink or bathtub. Let it act for approximately ten minutes. Finish by washing a few times with ice water. To learn more, check out the article: "How to remove mold from the bath towel in a homemade way".

These mentioned methods are great alternatives on how to remove mold from clothes. You do away with unwanted smell and don't harm the fabric - neither your health nor the environment. However, if none of them work, avoid using moldy fabrics, it can be dangerous for your health! Understand why in the article: "What is mold and why is it dangerous?"

Do you have a mold problem on the walls of the house? Check out the articles:

  • How to remove mold? Inspect the house!
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