Learn about the benefits of oilseeds

In addition to being tasty, oilseeds provide benefits for health and well-being


Image: Vitchakorn Koonyosying on Unsplash

Nuts and nuts are among the ten healthiest foods in the world and are suggested for those who want to eat food that gives energy. They are oleaginous and contain substances that can help the body's health and well-being. Below, we'll list some benefits that come with the consumption of oilseeds - but don't forget to check that this type of food does not give you allergic reactions. It's also not worth exaggerating!

Oilseeds have biologically active compounds available for developing and maintaining a healthy body. Examples of these compounds are:


Folate, niacin and tocopherols (which form vitamin E) act as powerful antioxidants, protecting the body from the harmful effects of free radicals or highly reactive oxygen atoms, helping to prevent cancer and premature aging.


Examples include calcium, selenium, potassium and magnesium, which help protect bone density, heart health and help regulate blood sugar levels; they are essential in preventing and combating anemia, depression and fatigue.


A cholesterol-like molecule that interferes with the human body's ability to absorb cholesterol and helps lower “bad” cholesterol, also known as LDL cholesterol.

Phenolic Components

Zeaxanthin and beta-carotenes are examples of substances that provide color and protection to plants. These compounds serve as antioxidants for the human body. Studies suggest that plant phenols protect the body from cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and neurodegenerative diseases.

Other benefits of oilseeds are: prevention against premature aging, as they are sources of antioxidants, help in the health of the intestines, due to their high quality fibers, and strengthen the body's defenses.

Sources of unsaturated fat

Oilseeds contain a rich source of polyunsaturated fats that contribute to healthy blood vessels and lower cholesterol.

Types of food

Coconuts, specifically, consist of medium-chain triglycerides, compared to the more prevalent long-chain fatty acids that make up 98% of our daily consumption of meat, milk and vegetable oils. The body recognizes the length of these fat chains and breaks them down differently. There is a metabolic difference because the fats found in coconut are healthier compared to the saturated fats found in animal fats such as cheddar cheese and sausage.

The best oilseeds for nutrition are: almonds, Brazil nuts, pecans, juglans, pistachios, macadamia nuts, coconut, cashew nuts, hazelnuts and pine nuts. The best way to consume them is natural and unsalted, but if you want to add them to your diet but don't like to eat them alone, here are some tips to vary your oilseed intake.

  • Add chopped almonds to your salad.
  • Change vegetable oils to coconut oil.
  • Add hazelnuts, chestnuts and juglans with dark chocolate and unsweetened organic fruit to a small pot as a snack for the day.


Seeds have defenses to protect them, rigid husks, phytates and other inhibiting enzymes. These substances hinder the digestive process and generate unpleasant effects such as flatulence, among other discomforts. In addition, phytates, known as anti-nutrients, block the absorption of iron, zinc, calcium and other mineral salts.

For this reason, it is important to soak the seeds in an acidic medium to neutralize these enzymes. The mixture can be drinking water with apple cider vinegar, lemon juice or yogurt whey. Each seed has an ideal soaking time, but the ideal is to leave it overnight (8-12 hours). Soak your seeds in a glass container with twice as much water for the amount of oil and about a teaspoon of acid solution per liter. After soaking, dry the seeds at low temperature until they become crispy again. After the process they will be better suited for the digestive process. Nuts that have impenetrable husks, such as Brazil nuts and macadamia nuts, do not require this process.

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