Tips for cycling even in the rain

Tips for cycling even in the rain

Eventually this will happen and you better be prepared. Check out how to ride in the rainIf you want to use a bicycle not only for leisure, but also as a means of transport, you need to be aware of some tips (see tips for those who want to start riding a bike to work). But what if, after taking all the necessary precautions, that heavy rain falls just as you are leaving?
Israel company promises to recycle used toilet paper

Israel company promises to recycle used toilet paper

Stools contain cellulose, which can help reuse toilet paperApplied CleanTech is an Israeli company that has developed a method to recycle used toilet paper. Through a technology developed to sterilize the material, it is possible to reuse it without any risk to health.The idea sounds strange, but it could also be revolutionary.
Know what foods should be avoided to combat certain health problems

Know what foods should be avoided to combat certain health problems

To eat or not to eat is the question. In the midst of so many restrictions, what should we really adopt or eliminate from our diets?We are constantly being told that we should eat this and not that, and it becomes a difficult task to distinguish what we can actually adopt in our diets. One way to solve this problem is to reduce the list of foods that should be avoided and rank the worst foods according to each health problem.
The danger of microplastics in exfoliants

The danger of microplastics in exfoliants

The microspheres contained in these products are contaminating the oceans and harming aquatic life. See how to avoid themThere's nothing better than exfoliating your face after a long, stressful day. It helps to remove dead cells and impurities, leaving the skin looking cleaner, healthier and radiant.
Do it yourself: PET bottle purse

Do it yourself: PET bottle purse

It's fast and convenient. With few materials you can save your changeNeed a purse? Why not reuse PET bottles and get creative? It's pretty easy to do. See below how to make a PET bottle purse. Necessary materials 2 PET bottles of equal size (2 liters);scissors; line and needle;zipper. Procedure Cut the two bottles so that you only have the lower region of the two (assuming the bottles are vertical).
FGV's online sustainability course for elementary school teachers is made available free of charge

FGV's online sustainability course for elementary school teachers is made available free of charge

FGV provides an online course to guide elementary school teachers on issues related to sustainabilityThe course "Sustainability, a value for the new generation: guidelines for elementary school teachers" aims to guide teachers so that they teach their students to have more sustainable attitudes inside and outside the school.
Researchers create mutant enzyme that digests plastic

Researchers create mutant enzyme that digests plastic

The discovery of an international group of scientists, which includes two Brazilians, may help to minimize pollution caused by the materialAn international group of scientists, in which two Brazilians from the University of Campinas (Unicamp) participate, managed to improve the performance of PETase, an enzyme capable of feeding on polyethylene terephthalate, PET plastic.
Regular consumption of spicy foods may be related to longevity

Regular consumption of spicy foods may be related to longevity

According to Chinese research, the constant consumption of spicy food, such as peppers, is associated with up to 14% reduction in the risk of deathWhat tools are within our reach to improve health and longevity? Practicing physical activities regularly, avoiding harmful chemical components, in addition to maintaining proper diet and nutrition for our body are some of them.
DIY: Two Handmade Jewelry Boxes

DIY: Two Handmade Jewelry Boxes

The ostentation cannot stop. Even less so when you can sport something you made yourself! Image: Gallery Hip You probably have someone you know who loves bracelets, peace bracelets, wears different necklaces every day, or flow chains. Your girlfriend may love earrings or your boyfriend thinks Thiaguinho's style is cool.
Green cities: what they are and what are their strategies

Green cities: what they are and what are their strategies

Green cities are resilient, self-sufficient and sustainable urban spaces that seek to improve the population's quality of lifeKonevi image by PixabayDo you know what green cities are? Probably yes, but what does this concept mean? Green cities are sustainable cities, designed with respect for the environment, economically viable and socially fair operations.
A traditional event in the recycling market gains a new fair, now totaling six samples

A traditional event in the recycling market gains a new fair, now totaling six samples

Exhibitions take place simultaneously this month of AugustThe fair complex that brings together ExpoSucata, MercoApara, ReciclaPlast, Expolixo and RCD Expo, has just won another fair, MercoHydro. This proves not only the exponential growth of the reuse and reuse of waste and scrap markets, but also the commitment of the now six events brought together by Editora EcoBrasil.
Toilet turns waste into fertilizer and energy

Toilet turns waste into fertilizer and energy

Components extracted from urine become fertilizers, while faeces turn into biogas and can be converted to energyScientists at the Nanyang University of Technology (NTU) in Singapore have developed a toilet that turns human waste into energy and fertilizer. It's not one of the most glamorous technologies, but without counting the advantages already presented, the system allows you to use 90% less water when pressing the flush.
What to do with dry leaves?

What to do with dry leaves?

Natural reuseThe leaves, like any other organic matter, can be reused by nature instead of being stuck in plastic bags in a landfill for many years.CompostInstead of putting them in a plastic bag that will be taken to a landfill, try using compost. If you have a specific machine, the result is better.
Friendly fire: controlled burning is necessary for the preservation of the Cerrado, according to research

Friendly fire: controlled burning is necessary for the preservation of the Cerrado, according to research

A study defends the need for judicious burning for the preservation of the richest savanna in the world, a prodigy of biodiversity and cradle of important Brazilian riversAlmost always presented as an enemy of ecosystems, fire is, however, indispensable for the preservation of savannas, as unanimously affirmed by scholars on the subject.
Researchers discover more than three thousand chemical components present in human urine

Researchers discover more than three thousand chemical components present in human urine

Through the study of urine it is possible to know how the body metabolizes substances contained in food and medicinesEverything in the world is composed of elements and chemical combinations, including the human being. It's no exaggeration to say that knowing some of the mysteries of chemistry allows us to see the universe differently.
Toronto advertising campaign uses "garbage against garbage"

Toronto advertising campaign uses "garbage against garbage"

Advertising campaign in the city of Toronto, Canada, uses the garbage itself to make people aware not to litter the streetsIn any city in the world, it is easy to find garbage strewn around the streets. There are plastic bags, cans, bottles, newspapers and so on. That garbage gets dirty is obvious, but it also contributes to several other problems, such as visual pollution and clogging of manholes.
What are carbon cycles?

What are carbon cycles?

Carbon cycles are the displacement movements of the element carbon in different environmentsEdited and resized image by Mitchell Griest, is available on UnsplashCarbon cycles are the displacement movements of the element carbon in different environments, including rocks, soils, oceans and plants. This prevents it from completely building up in the atmosphere and stabilizes the Earth's temperature.
Combination of pesticides shortens life and modifies bee behavior

Combination of pesticides shortens life and modifies bee behavior

A study showed insecticides and fungicides reduce the lifespan of bees by up to 50% and alter the behavior of workers, which could compromise the hiveImage: Massimiliano Latella on UnsplashA new study by Brazilian biologists suggests that the effect of pesticides on bees may be greater than imagined.
Prehistoric men also recycled

Prehistoric men also recycled

Studies show that in the Paleolithic period there was already reuse of toolsAccording to studies carried out in Catalonia, a region located in Spain, recycling is not a current activity, quite the opposite. Evidence shows that in the Paleolithic period of history, men already recycled their stone artifacts.
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