What is fluid retention?

Fluid retention usually appears after air travel, hormonal changes and excess salt consumption

fluid retention

A person pops a bladder and the water takes on the shape of a face. Edited and resized image of Daniel Lincoln is available on Unsplash

Fluid retention is a process that causes the body to retain excess water, causing swelling. Fluid retention usually appears after air travel, hormonal changes, and excessive salt intake. More serious conditions that can cause fluid retention are kidney problems, heart, liver or thyroid disease.

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When water intake is not enough, the body tends to retain water, making the person feel heavier and bloated than normal and less agile or active. Fluid retention is a common health problem and can occur daily and can be caused by factors such as diet, menstrual cycle and genetics.

Symptoms of fluid retention

Symptoms of fluid retention may include:

  • Swelling, especially in the abdominal area, feet, legs, ankles, face and hips;
  • Joint stiffness;
  • Weight fluctuations;

What Causes Fluid Retention

Several factors can cause fluid retention, some examples are:
  • Traveling by plane: changes in cabin pressure and sitting for a long period of time can cause the body to retain water;
  • Standing or sitting for a long time: Gravity keeps blood in the lower extremities. It is important to get up and move frequently to keep the blood circulating. If you have a sedentary job, schedule a time to get up and walk around;
  • Being menstruating or having hormonal fluctuation from another source;
  • Eating a lot of sodium: Ingesting a lot of sodium can be through a salt-rich diet or processed foods and soft drinks;
  • Taking medications: Some medications may have side effects such as fluid retention. Some examples of drugs with this effect are chemotherapy treatments; analgesics; blood pressure medications and antidepressants;
  • Heart problems: A weak heart that cannot pump blood well can cause the body to retain water;
  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT): swelling of the legs can be caused by DVT, which is a clot in the vein;
  • Pregnancy: Changing your weight during pregnancy can cause your legs to retain water if you don't move regularly.

Can persistent fluid retention cause complications?

Persistent fluid retention can be a symptom of a serious condition, such as:
  • Deep vein thrombosis;
  • Pulmonary edema or accumulation of fluid within the lungs;
  • Fibroids (in women).

If the body does not naturally return to its balanced state, seek medical help to find out if you need diuretics, supplements, or other medications.

good habits can help

Follow a low salt diet

Try to limit your sodium intake to no more than 2300 milligrams a day. This means giving preference to food in nature or minimally processed, at the expense of processed and packaged foods. Try adding spices like basil, garlic, curry, oregano, parsley, paprika and chives instead of salt for flavor.

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  • Properties of chives and their health benefits

Consume foods rich in potassium and magnesium

They will help balance your sodium levels. Options include:

  • Banana
  • Avocado
  • tomatoes
  • Sweet potato
  • Leafy vegetables such as watercress

Take a Vitamin B6 Supplement

According to a study published in Journal of Caring Sciences, vitamin B6 helps relieve premenstrual symptoms such as fluid retention.

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keep your feet elevated

Elevating your feet can help move the water up and away from your lower extremities.

Wear compression socks or leggings

Compression socks are becoming more popular and easier to find. They squeeze the legs to prevent the accumulation of fluids. Water retention is a common health problem, but if it persists, get medical help.

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