How to Eliminate Ticks and Fleas in Dogs and Other Pets in a Sustainable Way

To reduce the use of toxic substances, sustainable alternatives are of great help to eliminate ticks and fleas on your pet.


Fleas and ticks are a well-known problem for people with dogs and cats. They can also affect many other animals, such as rabbits, rodents and birds. In addition to itching, these pets can cause allergies and transmit diseases such as dipilidiosis, ehrlichiosis, babesiosis and many others.

The most commonly used remedies to treat flea and tick infestations are often toxic to the environment. Therefore, using alternative techniques to eliminate ticks and fleas in your pets, reducing the need to use conventional medications, can be a great option.

How to get rid of ticks and fleas

Listed below are some natural and homemade flea methods:

flea comb

There is a comb to “sweep” the fleas from your pet's fur. Wet the pet before use, so fleas don't jump on you or the house, and brush your pet's fur. After removing all fleas, place them in a container of water and then discard.

neem oil

This natural product has antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory actions. But cats and other smaller animals are very sensitive and can have adverse reactions, so if you want to use oils like neem on them, it's a good idea to ask your veterinarian if there is a safe dilution. To apply it to dogs, add 10 ml of the oil to 500 ml of shampoo and bathe once a week until the fleas and ticks are gone.

To avoid excessive water consumption, you can also apply some of the neem oil (diluted) to a scarf or bandanna and tie it around your pet's neck. You can reapply the oil every week or whenever you change your bandana.

The oil used in this way has insecticidal action, but there is also a neem-based repellent, which you can purchase at the eCycle Store - find out how to give your cat or dog a sustainable bath.

Lemon spray

Make your own flea and tick spray. The smell of lemon is very pleasant to us, but not to them at all; therefore, the following recipe serves, at the same time, as a perfume and a repellent:

  • Boil four cups of water;
  • Add six halved lemons and let them simmer over a low heat for about an hour and a half;
  • When it cools, put the tea in a spray bottle so you can apply it to the animal, avoiding the face.

The mixture can be refrigerated for a week and applied every other day.


Is there a room in your house with a lot of fleas? This method can help reduce the infestation. All you have to do is fill a shallow dish with water, mix in a little detergent and place a lamp aimed at the dish. Fleas will be attracted to the heat and light, but once they fall into the water, they won't be able to get out because of the detergent.

home care

For every flea or tick you see on the animal, be aware that there are dozens of eggs and juvenile forms in the environment. To solve this problem, make a home treatment right after treating the animal. Spray baking soda and salt (a mixture of equal parts) on all rugs, floors, sofas, etc. Let it act overnight, keeping the animal away from the area. The next day, vacuum up all the dirt and dispose of the soot in a tightly tied bag so the larvae do not escape. It is also important to wash your pet's bed in the washing machine with very hot water. Repeat this process as needed.

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