Tea tree essential oil provides health benefits
Made from the tree known as tea tree, tea tree essential oil fights bacteria, fungi and even viruses
Kelly Sikkema image available on Unsplash
Tea tree essential oil is an essential oil extracted from the leaves and branches of a tree popularly known as "tea tree"(in Portuguese, tea tree) and has great importance for medicine due to its proven effects of bactericidal and antifungal action against organisms that cause diseases.
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You may have never heard the name of this plant, but it is an old acquaintance halfway around the world. Original from Australia, the melaleuca, or "tea tree", was widely used by the Bundjalung tribe of aborigines, who used to use the plant's macerate for pain relief. Its members also bathed in the lake into which its leaves fell, as a form of relaxation (a kind of therapeutic bath). Today, melaleuca is also cultivated in Asia, Europe and South America, always in marshy areas.
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Melaleuca belongs to the botanical family Myrtaceae (same as jabuticaba) and its best known species are the Melaleuca alternifolia and Melaleuca leucadendron. Both are culturally valued due to the medicinal potential of the oil removed from their leaves, with a light yellow color and strong aroma, widely used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products - with the difference that it does not contain harmful chemicals like some conventional cosmetic products. Learn more about this topic in the article: "Substances to avoid in cosmetics and hygiene products".
Tea tree essential oil contains medicinal properties including:- bandages
- Antiseptics
- Analgesics
- Anti-inflammatory
- antispasmodic
- Bactericide
- Healing
- Expectorant
- Fungicide
- Balsamic
- antiviral
- Febrifuge
- Insecticide
- immunostimulant
- Diaphoretic
- Parasiticidal
- Vulnerary
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Based on foreign studies (check them here: 1 and 2), the main characteristics of the two types of species from which tea tree essential oil is extracted will be listed below:
Melaleuca alternifolia
This species is the most researched and used in cosmetics, being divided into six varieties (depending on the chemical composition of the oil). The most marketed tea tree essential oil is the one with a large amount of terpinen-4-ol, which is mainly responsible for its antifungal and antibacterial capacity. The oil of this species was compared with other therapeutic agents, such as phenol, and proved to be much more efficient.
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Studies have been successful when they put oil exposure on organisms such as Escherichia coli (bacteria that can cause diarrhea, urinary tract infections and even meningitis), Staphylococcus aureus (bacteria causing pneumonia, boils, skin and heart infections) and Candida albicans (fungus causing oral and vaginal thrush). As these organisms are permeable to oil, it inhibits cell respiration and changes in the structure and integrity of their membranes - it also provides leakage of intracellular material. This leads to bacteria killing and disease elimination. In addition, the chemical composition of tea tree essential oil is quite complex, to the point that the bacteria cannot modify its enzymatic system to adapt to the oil's effects.
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In the case of fungi, effects similar to those occurring with bacteria were observed, in addition to having their growth processes inhibited by the essential oil. The potential of tea tree essential oil has also been applied in studies with viruses, and the results are positive. There is growth inhibition of the HSV1 and 2 virus, which causes Herpes in humans, and the rate of effectiveness depends on the phase of the virus' replicative cycle at the time the oil is applied. There was also a decrease in the growth of protozoa, such as Leishmania major (causing Leishmaniasis) and trypanosoma brucei (causer of “sleeping sickness”). Thus, the antiseptic function of the oil is evidenced, which is an alternative to the disinfection of water and food without the use of chlorine.
For use in acne treatment, tea tree essential oil effects are relatively similar to synthetic substances on the market. However, its side effects such as scaling and itching are milder. The oil has also shown efficiency in inducing immune responses, decreasing inflammatory processes and pain symptoms, and, in the case of burns, there is faster skin regeneration.
Melaleuca leucadendra
The essential oil of this species of tea tree is called “cajuputi”, and its main active is the substance cineole. It follows its antiseptic property, the oil of alternifolia, but it is also used as an analgesic. When applied to the spot, the oil relieves rheumatism and muscle pain. It is also widely used as an expectorant, for gastrointestinal care, and as an antispasmodic.
In addition to the problems mentioned above, tea tree essential oil can also be used for other purposes such as mycoses, insect bites, warts, dental hygiene, dandruff and many others that are still being studied and that may be discovered. Many bacterial and fungal problems can be treated naturally with tea tree essential oil.
Due to these various benefits, whenever possible, give preference to products that are made from melaleuca over 100% synthetic fabrics. The most accessible are antiseptics and essential oil. The advantage of the essential oil is that you can use it wherever you want, on the skin, hair, even to clean the house, and it is not tied to just one purpose such as a tea tree essential oil shampoo.
There are no reports in the literature of adverse effects of the use of tea tree oil, when correctly administered. In sensitive skin dermatitis can appear, so it is ideal to test the oil on a small part of the skin first. In cosmetics that are applied directly to the skin, tea tree oil concentration cannot exceed 1%, overdosing is dangerous. Always follow the instructions on the package.If you want to purchase pure tea tree essential oil, go to eCycle store.