Learn more about sea salt

If used in moderation, sea salt can be a great ally of the body.

Sea salt

Oreana Tomassini image by Pixabay

Chemistry describes that salt is any product resulting from the reaction between an acid and a base, and when dissolved in water they release a cation other than H+ and an anion other than OH-. In the case of the salt we consume, sodium chloride (NaCl), it is the product of the reaction between hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide.

Salt is a vital substance for human beings; our body has salts that are regulated by the kidneys and perspiration. Sodium is involved in muscle contraction, including heartbeat, nerve impulses, and protein intake. Chlorine (chloride) preserves the balance of acidic bases in the body, aids in the absorption of potassium, is the basis of stomach acid and helps transport carbon dioxide from the cells to the lungs, where they are released. However, its excessive use can bring serious consequences to the body.

Salt can be classified according to its composition and processing (common, refined and marine) and grain characteristics (thick, sieved, crushed and ground), each with its specifications defined by legislation.

What is sea salt?

As well as refined, sea salt is also formed by sodium chloride and obtained from the evaporation of sea water. However, it does not go through the refinement process, which makes it retain minerals and nutrients and dispenses with the addition of other chemical ingredients. Sea salt is sold in its natural color, which varies between white, gray, black or pink. Coarse salt and pink Himalayan salt are some examples of sea salts.

Why is sea salt healthier than refined salt?

Because it does not go through the chemical refinement process and contains less sodium, sea salt is healthier than refined ones. To become refined and white, salt undergoes a long process of heating and refining that causes it to lose almost all its nutritional value and has to receive a series of additives, such as iodine.

Sea salt, in turn, does not need to go through this chemical process, keeping its nutrients and getting rid of the actives. Also, sea salt contains less sodium than refined salt.

It is noteworthy that regardless of whether it is refined or marine, excessive consumption of salt can cause problems such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease and kidney stones. Sea salt is beneficial only when eaten sparingly.

What is the difference between sea salt and Himalayan pink salt?

Although not taken directly from the sea, pink Himalayan salt is a type of sea salt. As its name suggests, it is extracted from millenary deposits in the Himalayan mountain ranges. As it does not undergo a chemical process, it retains its original characteristics, including color and nutrients.

What are the health benefits of sea salt?

If used in moderation, salt can be a great ally of the body. Know when it is beneficial to your health:

  • The process of leaving the salt refined and white eliminates most of its nutrients. However, even in minute amounts, sea salt contains calcium, potassium, zinc, iron and iodine.
  • The minerals present in sea salt are responsible for maintaining its color and flavor. So it can be used in smaller amounts and will still add extra flavor to food.
  • With less sodium, sea salt turns out to be a better option to maintain electrolyte balance without overloading the kidneys.
  • With moderate consumption, sea salt can be an ally in preventing diseases, since it promotes the alkalinization of body fluids, contributing to the hydroelectrolytic balance and stabilization of body pH.

How much should be consumed daily?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a maximum daily sodium intake of five grams, which equates to approximately one teaspoon. However, people over 50 and with a history of cardiovascular disease should consume up to half that amount.

In addition, you must pay attention to the product label before consuming it. This is because if the label indicates the addition of preservatives, binders or bleaching agents, it is not a whole sea salt and these mentioned advantages may not correspond to this product.

Source: Chemistry in the kitchen

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