Five tips for washing dishes comfortably, efficiently and without waste

Practical and sustainable tips for a good cleaning without germs and bacteria

Wash dishes comfortably, efficiently and without waste

Washing dishes is one of the most water-consuming tasks in the domestic environment. In Brazil, we are not used to using dishwashers (only 2% of homes in the country have a dishwasher). For this reason, we will show below tips on how to wash the dishes at home manually as comfortably and effectively as using a dishwasher. Check out!

keep the sponge clean

The most important thing is to make sure your kitchen sponge is clean, not just cleaning it with detergent. There are different ways to sanitize it, depending on the type of kitchen sponge used. Learn how to clean your sponge.

wear rubber gloves

Washing the dishes with cold water in winter is a task to frighten even the bravest. Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands from extreme temperatures and make a less-than-exciting task more comfortable.

Dip the sponge in soapy water

Keep a container of hot water and add a small amount of detergent (sustainable if possible) instead of repeating the process of wetting and reapplying the soap to your sponge as you wash your dishes. In addition to being a more practical process, it helps to save water (learn more about saving water when washing dishes).

Take your time washing cutlery

Not all dishes should be washed equally. Forks and knives can contain more bacteria than plates and cups due to hard-to-reach holes and creases. Don't rush when scrubbing.

clean sink is clean dishes

It's not just the sponge we need to worry about. Make sure your sink and countertop are also clean. Learn how to disinfect your sink from bacteria and germs.

View a Chinese water saving awareness commercial when washing dishes.

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