Four Home Remedies for Sinusitis

It is possible to use natural products as a remedy for sinusitis. Home treatment is practical and economical

Home Remedies for Sinusitis

Sinusitis is one of those infections known to be constant and the symptoms can be varied, including facial tenderness, pain, pressure on the face, headache, nasal stiffness, atypical nasal discharge, fever, cough and tiredness. Instead of going to the pharmacy every time, there are some sinusitis home remedy recipes that can help you a lot. However, it is always recommended to consult a doctor or doctor, as sinusitis can evolve and require the use of antibiotics.

Here are four examples of home remedies for sinusitis:

1. Turmeric

Turmeric, also called turmeric, has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Widely used in the kitchen for its unique flavor, saffron is a great home remedy for sinusitis, as it relieves nasal congestion. The action is thanks to the active compound called turmeric, which helps to reduce the swelling in the sinus cavity, as well as free your airways.

Mix turmeric powder in a glass of hot water and gargle a few times a day and drink it daily for a week.

And lastly, you can make a smoothie using two pieces of turmeric root and mixing in a blender with lemon juice, a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of cayenne pepper, banana and half a glass of water. Drink daily until you feel the infection has passed.

2. Onion

You may not know it, but onions are great decongestants. They are great home remedies for sinusitis as they open up your sinuses and contain sulfur compounds that fight bacteria and fungi. Cut an onion into small pieces and place them in a pan of water. Let the water boil for five minutes and then inhale the steam for a while. Strain the liquid from the onion and drink it. Do this a few times a week to relieve your sinusitis.

3. Oregano oil

This antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal oil has a great reputation in the health world. Oregano oil is also known as a great anti-inflammatory, which also works as an antioxidant and immune system booster. To use it as a home remedy for sinusitis, pour two of the oil into half a glass of boiling water. Inhale the steam to release congestion and open the sinuses. Do this daily until the infection goes away. Or you can put a few drops of the oil in your glass of water to drink a few times a day.

4. Horseradish

Extremely known as a home remedy for sinusitis, horseradish is very helpful in removing mucus from the nasal passages. Put freshly grated horseradish in your mouth and leave it there until the flavor wears off, then swallow. This may sound difficult, but it works very well. Repeat the procedure a few times a day for a week or until the infection passes.

Check out a video on how to relieve sinus and rhinitis pain with a self massage.

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