How to get rid of mosquitoes in a natural way

Eliminating standing water in the yard is the first step in getting rid of mosquitoes. Check out other techniques on how to kill the mosquitoes that bother you!

how to get rid of mosquitoes

How to get rid of mosquitoes? This is certainly a question asked by most Brazilians. After all, the mosquito is an insect that is very present in our daily lives. Mosquitoes are known for the disturbance they cause to sleep and the discomfort caused by their bites. Not to mention that ringing in your ear while you're sleeping or the endless itching. Depending on the person, mosquitoes can cause allergies and swelling to the point that the person sometimes needs to visit the hospital. We are talking about muricoca, muricoca, muruçoca, carapanã, fincão, fincudo, melga, awl, tree frog, bicuda, general terms to designate a suborder of insects, which includes mosquitoes or mosquitoes, intruders in our homes and gardens that surround our heads and plants.

The biggest danger is that the mosquito can infect us with viruses and lead to the development of diseases. For these reasons, it is good for humans to keep their distance from these insects. However, the unsustainable alternative for many is to use conventional insecticides, which can harm health and contaminate the air with their chemical components, many of them considered toxic. Instead, learn below for some sustainable tips on how to get rid of mosquitoes, keep them away from your home and yard without being polluted with harmful chemicals.

Natural Tips on How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes

  1. The most efficient way to get rid of mosquitoes around your home is to eliminate any kind of standing water - a favorable environment for mosquitoes to lay their eggs. Check your yard to make sure there is no standing water in pots or any other garden containers.
  2. If you have a birdbath in your garden, change the water at least once a week to avoid standing water and mosquitoes and other insects.
  3. Clean rain gutter debris and unclog any clogged gutters. This is one way to avoid mosquitoes, as clogged gutters are often overlooked as potential breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
  4. During the day, male mosquitoes like to inhabit spaces that have dense vegetation; and at night the females go out in search of food (human or animal blood). To protect your garden, trim hedges (hedges made from thorny plants) and remove tall weeds. This will likely contribute to the reduction of the mosquito population.
  5. If you have screens on your windows, make sure they don't have any holes that mosquitoes can sneak through. Even if they are small holes, due to the size of the insects, they sometimes manage to get through.
  6. Mosquitoes are attracted to fruity or floral fragrances, humidity and dark clothing. Avoid! (Mostly in summer.)
  7. Be extra careful at sunrise and sunset, when these insects are most active. Therefore, at these times, avoid being close to still waters, gardens, plants - that is, places favorable to the emergence of mosquitoes. If there is no option, try to wear long-sleeved shirts and pants to protect yourself. If possible, close the windows.
  8. Mosquitoes naturally avoid certain types of herbs, especially sage, rosemary, neem, citronella and eucalyptus.
  9. Put pressure on companies and governments to contribute to the maintenance of biodiversity, as the overpopulation of mosquitoes in cities is due to the lack of natural predators.

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: According to Anvisa, only repellents with chemicals based on icaridin are effective against the Aedes aegypti (dengue, zika, chikungunya and yellow fever transmitter). Neem, citronella and andiroba-based repellants do not contain this active ingredient.

Homemade mosquito repellent

Eucalyptus essential oil is an excellent natural alternative for killing mosquitoes. To use it effectively you need an electric diffuser and a carrier oil for application to the skin.

In the diffuser, you can use as many drops as you like, but five drops are recommended every four hours.

To make homemade repellent against mosquitoes you will need, in addition to the essential oil of eucalyptus, a carrier oil - normally coconut oil performs this function. Then, for every shallow tablespoon of coconut oil, add three drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Mix well and apply a small amount to the inside of your forearm for allergy testing. In case of irritation, discontinue use and remove the applied mixture with the help of a cotton wool and some neutral vegetable oil, such as coconut oil, sunflower oil, grape seed oil or other vegetable oil that you know does not cause irritation . If you are not allergic to the mixture of coconut oil and eucalyptus essential oil, just spread the homemade repellent over your body. Ready! The homemade mosquito repellent you made will work in conjunction with the diffuser to wipe out mosquitoes in your home.

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