What are the benefits of jackfruit?

Jackfruit has antioxidant properties, strengthens immunity and increases energy


That fruit consumption is very good for your health we know. But some fruits are not so common in the diet, such as kiwi, lychee, figs, pomegranates and jackfruit... But they should be. Although common in the national territory, jackfruit is the target of certain prejudice due to its strong aroma and viscosity that suppress the appetite of certain people.

Jackfruit has been identified by researchers at the University of Agricultural Sciences in Bangalore, India, as a good alternative for human food in the face of the current challenges caused by climate change. The World Bank and the United Nations recently warned that rising temperatures and scant rainfall are already causing reductions in wheat and corn crops, which could lead to food wars a decade from now, on average.

Jackfruit fruit, notable for its size, grows easily and resists pests, high temperatures and droughts, in addition to having an incredible amount of nutrients. About ten or twelve pieces of fruit are enough to feed a person for half a day.

The jackfruit (Artocarpus integrifolia L), the largest of all cultivated fruits, is native to Asia (Thailand, Indonesia, India, Philippines and Malaysia). she is family Moraceae, the same as the fig and blackberry, common in tropical regions.

Jackfruit produces up to 100 fruits a year, ranging from three to an incredible 37 kilos! Some of its components are: fiber, calcium, potassium, iron, vitamins A and C, phosphorus, magnesium, carbohydrates and B-complex vitamins, mainly B2 (riboflavin) and B5 (niacin). It was brought to Brazil by the Portuguese and easily adapted to our climate, being cultivated throughout the Amazon region and the Brazilian tropical coast, from Pará to Rio de Janeiro. The fruit season is from December to April.


The fruit is classified into two varieties according to the consistency of the fruit pulp: the hard jackfruit, which has a firm pulp and larger fruits, and the soft jackfruit, which has smaller and softer fruits, but sweeter.


The caloric content is, on average, 94 calories for every 100 grams. The most common consumption of fruit is in natura (rather than dehydrated, for example), but it can be eaten fresh, in fruit salads, jams, syrup, jellies, candied and various sweets. Vegetarians and vegans enjoy the so-called jackfruit “meat”, which consists of cooked and shredded green fruit. If you frequent the vegetarian gastronomic circuit, you may have already seen stalls with jackfruit drumsticks or crazy “meat” made with the fruit. New recipes feature jackfruit even in the form of crunchy chips.

jackfruit seed

Most people discard the seeds, but they are also very nutritious: 22% starch and 3% dietary fiber. They can be eaten roasted, toasted, cooked or in the form of flour (an alternative to dietary protein that can be used in various recipes). Remembering that fresh seeds cannot be kept in this state for a long time.

Due to its high concentration of carbohydrates (about 22%), jackfruit has a great potential for the manufacture of alcoholic beverages. In India, a brandy made from the fermentation of its pulp is popular.

jackfruit benefits

In different parts of the fruit, it has components with functional and medicinal effects that sharpen the interest of the scientific community, such as antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and prevent various diseases. It also has several phytonutrients: lignans, isoflavones and saponins that offer health benefits, with the ability to fight cancers (colon and lung), high blood pressure, ulcers and other intestinal disorders, cell aging and loss of bone mass. Potassium also optimizes the bone and breaks it improves muscle and nerve functions.

It also contains niacin, the so-called vitamin B3, necessary for energy, nervous metabolism, and synthesis of certain hormones. A 100 g serving of jackfruit pulp contains about 4 mg of niacin. The recommended daily allowance for vitamin B3 is 16 mg for men and 14 mg for women.

Contains Vitamin C, a famous antioxidant that protects the body from free radicals, strengthens the immune system, and maintains healthy gums. Jackfruit leaves have the potential to cure fever, boils and skin diseases.

don't stop there

See other cool benefits that jackfruit can provide:

Helps bowel function and prevents colon cancer

Because it is rich in fiber, about 3.6 grams in 100 grams of fruit, jackfruit prevents constipation and reduces symptoms of hemorrhoids. In addition, jacalin (a lectin present in seeds) has an anti-proliferative effect on colon cancer cells.

Increase your energy

Jaca contains fructose and sucrose, which gives the body the energy it needs.

good for cardiovascular health

Jackfruit potassium (303 mg per 100 g) helps lower blood pressure and reverses sodium effects that raise blood pressure and affect the heart and blood vessels. Thus, the fruit helps in preventing heart disease and stroke. Vitamin B6 lowers blood homocysteine ​​levels, lowering the risk of heart disease.

Asthma control

There is some research that shows that if you boil jackfruit root and consume the extract, you can lessen your asthma problems.

Prevents anemia

Jaca contains about 0.5 mg of iron in 100 g of fruit. This helps in preventing anemia and also aids in proper blood circulation. In addition, it has vitamins A, C, E, K, niacin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6 and minerals such as copper, manganese and magnesium, which play a fundamental role in blood formation. Because it is rich in vitamin C, jackfruit also increases the ability to absorb iron.

Maintaining a Healthy Thyroid Gland

Copper plays an important role in the metabolism of the thyroid gland, especially in the production and absorption of hormones; being a great source of this mineral.

stronger bones

The fruit is rich in magnesium, with 27 mg in 100 g of young fruit and 54 mg in 100 g of seed. Magnesium, in turn, helps in the absorption of calcium, strengthening bone and preventing related disorders such as osteoporosis and arthritis.

Against the aging of your skin

The antioxidants present in jackfruit help to delay aging, and the water present in the fruit helps to hydrate the skin. In addition, your vitamin C participates in collagen production.

Health for your eyesight

The vitamin A present in the fruit protects your eyes from UV rays and prevents cataracts. Due to its antioxidant effect, it is effective in preventing retinal degeneration.

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