What is kombucha and its benefits

If properly prepared, kombucha can be very good for your health.


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Kombucha is a fermented beverage that has been consumed for thousands of years. In addition to being rich in antioxidants, it contains probiotics - microorganisms that are good for the body.

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Benefits of Kombucha

1. It is a source of probiotics

It is believed that the habit of making and ingesting kombucha has its origins in China or Japan. The preparation consists of adding specific strains of bacteria, yeasts and sugar to black or green tea and leaving it to ferment for a week or more (check the study here for Respect: 1). During this process, bacteria and yeast form a mushroom-like film on the surface of the liquid, also called SCOBY.

SCOBY is the living symbiotic colony of bacteria and yeast, and can be used to ferment new colonies of kombucha. The fermentation process produces acetic acid (also found in vinegar) and several other acidic compounds, alcohol and gases that make it carbonated (see study about it here: 2).

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A lot of bacteria also grow in the mixture. Although there is still no evidence of kombucha's probiotic benefits, it contains several species of lactic acid bacteria that may have a probiotic function (see study on this: 3).

Probiotics provide healthy bacteria to the gut and can improve many aspects of health, including digestion, inflammation and even weight loss. For this reason, adding beverages such as kombucha to your diet can improve your health in a number of ways.

2. Benefits of green tea

Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages on the planet, as it contains bioactive compounds, such as polyphenols, which act as powerful antioxidants in the body (see study about it here: 4).

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Kombucha made with green tea contains many of the same plant compounds and presumably has some of the same benefits (see study here: 5). Studies show that drinking green tea regularly can increase the number of calories you burn, reduce belly fat, improve cholesterol levels, help control blood sugar, and more (see studies on this: 6, 7, 8, 9).

Studies also show that those who consume green tea have a reduced risk of prostate, breast and colon cancer (see studies here: 10, 11, 12).

3. It is rich in antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances that fight free radicals, reactive molecules that can damage cells (see studies on this: 13, 14).

Many scientists believe that antioxidants naturally present in foods and beverages are better for health than antioxidant supplements (see study on this: 15). Kombucha, especially when made with green tea, appears to have antioxidant effects on the liver.

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Studies with rats consistently find that consumption of kombucha regularly reduces liver toxicity caused by chemicals, in some cases by at least 70% (see studies here: 16, 17, 18, 19). . Although there are no human studies on this topic, it looks like a promising area of ​​research for people with liver disease.

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4. Improves immunity

One of the main substances produced during the fermentation of kombucha is acetic acid, which is also abundant in vinegar. Like tea polyphenols, acetic acid is capable of killing many potentially harmful microorganisms (see study about it here: 20).

Kombucha made with black or green tea has antibacterial properties, particularly against the bacteria that cause candidiasis (see study about it here: 21).

These antimicrobial effects suppress the growth of unwanted bacteria and yeasts, but do not affect the beneficial probiotic bacteria and yeasts involved in kombucha fermentation.

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5. Reduces the risk of heart disease

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world (see study about it here: 22). Studies in rats have shown that kombucha can greatly improve two markers of heart disease, “bad” LDL and “good” HDL cholesterol, in just 30 days (see studies about it here: 23, 24).

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Most importantly, tea (especially green tea) protects LDL cholesterol particles from oxidation, which is believed to help prevent heart disease (see studies on this here: 25, 26, 27). In fact, those who drink green tea have a 31% lower risk of developing heart disease, a benefit that can also be found in kombucha (see studies about it here: 28, 29, 30).

6. Helps manage type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes affects more than 300 million people worldwide. It is characterized by high blood sugar levels and insulin resistance. A study in diabetic rats found that kombucha slowed carbohydrate digestion, which lowered blood sugar levels; and also improved liver and kidney function.

Kombucha made with green tea is likely to be even more beneficial, as green tea lowers blood sugar levels (see study on this: 31). In fact, a review of studies conducted with nearly 300,000 individuals found that green tea drinkers had an 18% lower risk of becoming diabetic.

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7. Protects against cancer

Cancer is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. It is characterized by cell mutation and uncontrolled cell growth. In test tube studies, kombucha helped to prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells due to its high concentration of polyphenols and antioxidants (see studies about it here: 33, 34).

It is believed that polyphenols from the tea used to make kombucha block genetic mutation and the growth of cancer cells, in addition to promoting the death of cancer cells (see study about it here: 35). For this reason, it is not surprising that tea drinkers are much less likely to develop various types of cancer (see studies on this here: 36, 37, 38). However, whether kombucha has any anti-cancer effect on people has not been confirmed. More studies are needed.

8. Must be done correctly

Kombucha is rich in probiotics with many potential health benefits. You can buy it ready-made or make it yourself at home. However, make sure you prepare it correctly.

If contaminated, over-fermented kombucha can cause serious health problems and even death. Homemade kombucha can also contain up to 3% alcohol (see studies about it here: 2, 39, 40, 41).

The safest option is to buy kombucha in a store or online. Commercial products are tasty and considered alcohol-free, as they must contain less than 0.5% alcohol (see study about it here: 42). However, check the ingredients and try to avoid brands that are high in sugar. If you plan to make it at home, learn the safest way to make kombucha from a professional.

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