21 foods that help you lose weight with health

Tapioca, coffee, cocoa, pepper and green tea are just some of the foods you can have at home that help you lose weight.

Foods that help you lose weight

Foods that help you lose weight, medicine to lose weight, diet to lose weight and even recipes for weight loss that circulate on the internet, sometimes, are a trap. Diets that present themselves as miraculous can bring health risks such as changes in hormones, weakness, tachycardia, malaise and even the unwanted "accordion effect" - the person loses weight in a week but, the following week, gains all the weight again or even more than I had before starting the diet. If good eating habits and regular exercise are not maintained in the long term, it is difficult to maintain the ideal weight with health. If the desire is to lose weight, it is necessary to invest in natural foods, avoid refined, processed foods, sweets, sugars and fried foods. The ideal is to consume foods that speed up metabolism, bring a feeling of satiety, fight fluid retention and improve bowel function. Check out a list of 21 foods that help you lose weight with health; But remember: these are just examples, to set up an ideal and complete diet consult a nutritionist.

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Foods that help you lose weight

The great advantage of tapioca for those who are looking for help from food to lose weight is the feeling of satiety that the cassava starch, the base of the tapioca mass, provides - which helps to avoid the dangerous "pinch". In addition, tapioca does not have gliadin, a protein present in gluten (which is in bread and other wheat flour doughs) that contributes to increased inflammation in the body and increased abdominal fat.

Tapioca is a great source of energy and, as it is a carbohydrate, it is best to be filled with protein and fibrous accompaniments. You can fill it with olive oil, peppers, carrots, black olives, paprika, raw garlic, salt, sesame, oregano, leaves and tomatoes, for example. You can also fill it with baba ganoush (recipe that includes roasted eggplant puree, sesame paste, salt and lemon juice), from hommus (chickpea recipe) and so on. The important thing is to use your imagination and balance the necessary foods. But it is also necessary to consider tapioca (together with its fillings) as a meal, and not as a "little", and consume it in the morning, at lunch or dinner, because despite causing a feeling of satiety, a aspect that helps you lose weight, tapioca is very caloric. To learn more about this food, check out the article "Tapioca: benefits and how to make easy recipes".

Coffee with cocoa

Foods that help you lose weight

When ingested moderately, in the morning, on a full stomach and with cocoa powder, coffee can be beneficial for those looking for foods that help you lose weight. It helps to speed up the metabolism and brings a feeling of satiety, disguising the desire to eat. When ingested with cocoa (pure or 70%) there is less risk of increased anxiety, as it would normally be if coffee were ingested alone. In addition, the phenylethylamine present in cocoa stimulates the production of dopamine and serotonin, hormones related to the sensation of pleasure and well-being, which prevents atypical overeating in times of depression. But remember, to enjoy the slimming benefits of these foods, dispense the Chantilly, milk and sugar. To learn more about coffee, cocoa and their blend, check out the articles "All about caffeine: from therapeutic effects to risks", "What is cocoa and what health benefits are associated with its consumption?" and "Caffeinated cocoa mix helps with concentration and relieves anxiety, study says."

Brown rice

Foods that help you lose weight

Brown rice is basically made up of carbohydrates. With other foods, brown rice is a great source of energy and also provides protein, fiber, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and small concentrations of iron and zinc. Because it is rich in fiber, it helps promote satiety and, in addition, prevents cardiovascular disease and diabetes, which tend to cause problems in the circulatory system and are related to obesity.

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apple cider vinegar

Foods that help you lose weight

Apple cider vinegar, popularly used as a seasoning, is also one of the foods that help you lose weight. A study of obese Japanese showed that 15 mL or 30 mL of apple cider vinegar ingested daily for 12 weeks reduced the body weight of study participants from 1.2 kg to 1.7 kg.

Olive oil

Foods that help you lose weight

Olive oil is one of the healthiest sources of fat. One study showed that olive oil lowers triglyceride levels, raises HDL cholesterol and stimulates the release of GLP-1, one of the hormones that help keep you feeling full.

Also, some studies have shown that olive oil can increase metabolic rate and promote fat loss.

A small study of 12 postmenopausal women with abdominal obesity showed that eating extra virgin olive oil as part of a regular meal significantly increased the number of calories burned by the women participating in the study.

Sweet potato

Foods that help you lose weight

Sweet potatoes, in addition to being nutritious, have several properties that make them a perfect food, both to help you lose weight and to nourish you.

It's rich in potassium, a nutrient that most people don't have enough of and plays an important role in controlling blood pressure.

Studies show that potatoes are capable of providing a significant feeling of satiety. And if you boil it and let it cool for a while, it will form large amounts of resistant starch, a fiber-like substance that has been shown to have several health benefits, including weight loss. Care is only to avoid sweet potatoes in their fried form.


Foods that help you lose weight

Leafy vegetables are great foods that help you lose weight. That's because they help increase meal volume and essential mineral intake without increasing calories. Studies show that consumption of foods with low energy density (kcal/g) decreases energy intake over several days. Kale, watercress, chicory, catalonia and even Pancs leaves are fiber-laden, rich in minerals, vitamins and antioxidants, including calcium and iron.

Green tea

Foods that help you lose weight

Green tea is a great choice for weight loss. Studies suggest that in addition to being a moderate source of caffeine, green tea is an excellent source of epigallocatechin gallate, an antioxidant that promotes the burning of abdominal fat.

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Foods that help you lose weight

Chickpea, as well as all other beans (lentils, peas, beans, etc.), besides being a great source of protein, is a legume that also serves as one of the foods that help you lose weight with health. This is because legumes are rich in soluble fiber, whose main function is to form gels in the stomach, forming more viscous food cakes, which influence nerve responses, telling the body that it is full. This satiety also leads to a reduction in the intake of other foods, during and even some time after a meal.

Bitter orange

Foods that help you lose weight

Because it is rich in water and fiber, bitter orange hydrates the intestine, feces and provides a lot of bagasse, helping the proper functioning of the intestines. The best way to take advantage of its slimming benefits is to consume it in the form of segments, as its juice has practically no fiber. The bitter orange (citrus aurantium) is a special food that helps you lose weight mainly because it has synephrine, a stimulant with properties similar to those of caffeine and ephedrine, which acts by increasing metabolism, energy expenditure and suppressing appetite. Bitter orange pulp is tonic and alkalizing, which makes it beneficial for people with liver problems; however, diabetics should be cautious when consuming it.


Foods that help you lose weight

In addition to having powerful antioxidants that reduce inflammation and protect cells from damage, peppers have capsaicin.

One study showed that capsaicin decreases the desire to eat. Other studies have shown that ingestion of pepper capsioids is associated with loss of abdominal fat, weight loss and prevention of weight gain.


Foods that help you lose weight

A study, published by American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, showed that oats are a great food for weight loss . The study showed that, in 12 weeks, individuals who ate oatmeal lost weight. The detail is that although all groups lost the same amount of weight, the one that consumed the whole grains managed to eliminate abdominal fat. The problem is that some oats are contaminated with gluten (a protein that helps to increase inflammation in the body and increase abdominal fat), so it's always good to check the packaging for certification gluten free.


Foods that help you lose weight

A study published by Archives of Internal Medicine showed that, as long as they are not consumed in excess, walnuts have beneficial effects on mood and can promote the elimination of abdominal fat. Nuts are foods that help you lose weight, mainly due to the presence of good quality fiber, protein and fat content, which helps to increase the body's sensitivity to insulin and contributes to fat elimination.


Foods that help you lose weight

The consumption of these small bright and flavored seeds has been associated with lower body mass indices, especially in postmenopausal women. To enjoy its benefits it is recommended to consume a tablespoon of ground flaxseed every day, adding it to cereals, dishes and salads.

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Foods that help you lose weight

In addition to being delicious in sweet and salty options, avocados are a source of monounsaturated oleic acid, the same type of beneficial fat found in olive oil. They are also a source of fiber and nutrients such as potassium, and best of all, they are foods that help you lose weight. According to one study, people who consume avocados feel fuller and have less desire to eat within five hours of eating; a great reason to include avocado on your list of diet foods. See recipes in the article: "Avocado recipes: eight easy and delicious preparations" and check out other benefits of avocado in the article: "The benefits of avocado".


Foods that help you lose weight

Ginger is great for flavoring dishes, warming the body on a cold day in the form of tea, flavoring the house and treating a sore throat. But what not everyone knows is that ginger can also increase metabolism by about 20%, which helps you lose weight. To learn about other benefits of ginger, check out the article "Benefits of ginger and its tea".

Hibiscus tea

Foods that help you lose weight

In addition to being tasty, hibiscus tea is a drink that helps you lose weight. That's because it's low in calories and diuretic, which helps to release toxins and excess fluid in the body. A study published in the journal Food & Function showed that consumption of hibiscus extract can reduce obesity, abdominal fat and improve liver damage in obese individuals. Research published in the journal Medical Hypotheses also suggest that hibiscus tea can be a natural weight loss alternative. To learn more about this topic, check out the article "Hibiscus tea: benefits and contraindications".


Foods that help you lose weight

Unique flavor and smooth texture, bananas are high in carbohydrates and have slightly more calories than other fruits (105 for a medium-sized banana). However, these calories are almost completely fat-free. A great fruit for those looking to lose weight.

The potassium they contain may be enough to cover your daily needs.

These famous and delicious yellow fruits are full of magnesium, a mineral that also helps regulate blood pressure.

Also, unlike other fruits, which are generally a poor source of vitamin B6, bananas can cover more than 30% of the recommended daily intake in a single serving. Vitamin B6 plays a crucial role in the functioning of the immune system and recent studies have shown that it also plays a protective role against cardiovascular disease.

Finally, thanks to their fiber and antioxidants, bananas also help prevent the risks of diabetes, obesity and certain types of cancer.

Banana is also a good source of vitamin C and its fibers help to regulate intestinal transit.

Have you ever thought about trading that greasy dessert for a banana? It's just peeling.

pear and apple

Foods that help you lose weight

Pears and apples are rich in flavonoids, substances capable of altering body fat levels. According to a study published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, the women who consumed the most flavonoids saw their body mass index increase significantly less over the 14-year period than those who consumed the least flavonoids. In animal studies, these flavonoids have been shown to increase energy expenditure (calories), muscle glucose uptake, and fat burning. That's why it's also a good idea to include pears and apples in your list of healthy foods. To learn more about the benefits of apples, check out the article "Apple: Learn about the long list of benefits it provides".


Foods that help you lose weight

Broccoli is a great food for weight loss. This vegetable is rich in essential nutrients (calcium, vitamin C, etc.), fiber, protein and at the same time has very low calories. Its fibers provide a feeling of satiety, its micronutrients help weight loss and its phytochemicals help to eliminate fat.

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