Passion fruit seed is good for your health

The passion fruit seed provides antioxidant, cardioprotective effects, among others

passion fruit seed

Edited and resized image by Marcello Aquino, available on Unsplash

The passion fruit seed, unlike what some people think, is not bad for your health. On the contrary, it provides benefits ranging from antioxidant effects to maintenance of cardiovascular and intestinal systems.

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Passion fruit seed is rich in polyphenolic compounds such as piceatannol and scirpusin B, substances that protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. In addition, passion fruit seed is a source of insoluble fiber and magnesium.

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Benefits of Passion Fruit Seed

Antioxidant Source

Piceatannol and scirpusin B present in passion fruit seed are polyphenolic compounds that have significant antioxidant activity.

Antioxidants protect the body from free radicals, which are molecules that damage the internal DNA of cells. This free radical damage can lead to degenerative and chronic diseases such as immune system problems, atherosclerosis (clogged up of the veins), Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, arthritis, dementia, and diabetes. In addition to providing protection against these diseases, passion fruit seed's antioxidant properties prevent premature wrinkling of the skin caused by UV radiation.


Passion fruit seed has properties that make the diameter of the arteries expand, a process known as vasodilation. This process contributes to lowering blood pressure, helping the cardiovascular system to stay healthy.

source of magnesium

Passion fruit seed provides magnesium, an essential mineral for maintaining health from birth. It participates in hundreds of reactions in the body, so a lack of magnesium can increase the risk of chronic disease. People with gastrointestinal illnesses, such as Crohn's disease and celiac disease, may be deficient in magnesium. The first symptoms of magnesium deficiency are nausea, vomiting, fatigue and weakness. As the condition worsens, the patient may experience numbness, tingling, muscle contractions and cramps, seizures, depression, osteoporosis, and heart rhythm disturbances. Learn more about the importance of magnesium in the subject: "Magnesium: what is it for?".

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Rich in insoluble fiber

Passion fruit seed is rich in insoluble dietary fiber. This means that it contributes to the process of converting complex sugars to simple sugars during digestion. In addition, the insoluble fibers present in passion fruit seed help balance intestinal bacteria, eliminate toxins, reduce the risk of colon tumors, promote regular bowel movement, prevent constipation and hemorrhoids.

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