Lemon Juice: Benefits and Ways to Use

Drinking lemon juice helps restore potassium levels, among other health benefits. Understand

lemon juice - benefits

Randy Fath's edited and resized image is available on Unsplash

Lemon juice is very beneficial for health. Water, the most abundant component of lemon juice, helps to hydrate the body. But if you add a few slices or drops of a fresh (and preferably organic) lemon to the pitcher of water in the morning, you'll have additional benefits (the amount of lemon may vary to taste). According to the book “The Secret Benefits of Lemon and Honey”, this fruit has many properties that help our health, not to mention those that help in cleaning the house. Learn more about this topic in the article: "Lemon benefits: from health to cleanliness".

Follow the video above the channel eCycle portal how to make lemon juice in the healthiest way and understand the properties and benefits of lemon juice.

Benefits of lemon juice

Tonic Alkalizing

Lemon has a very high acidity level due to the citric acid present, but this does not mean that it is an acidifier for the body. Amazingly, lemon has a strong alkaline effect on the body, as long as it is diluted in water, according to the book "Dieta Alkalina Brasileira". The fact is that lemons do not remain in acid form after ingestion, but are transformed into alkaline salts providing a gentle detoxification, which regulates the blood pH.

The optimal pH level for the human bloodstream is 7.4. The help of the kidneys is very important because they filter the blood and regulate the body's chemistry to maintain pH. However, if you consume acidifying food too often, the pH balance will change and become more acidic and less alkaline. Most processed foods, such as meat, dairy products and cooked foods, are acid-forming. Raw fruits, vegetables and sprouts are included in the alkaline group. In this story, lemons are strongly alkaline and help restore the blood pH to its natural level, according to the book “Detox and Revitalization”. One way to enjoy all these benefits is to drink lemon juice.

Vitamin C

Lemon is one of the most concentrated natural sources of vitamin C. To give you an idea, a large lemon contains about 44.5 mg of vitamin C, which represents 74% of the USDA recommended daily intake of the substance.


They are compounds present in plants that give color to most fruits. Lemon has a large amount of quercetin bioflavonoids, which stimulate the body's immune system and insulin production, helping to balance blood sugar in the body. In general, bioflavonoids are strong antioxidants that help the body fight free radicals. And they can even help prevent cancer, according to the book “The Lemon Juice Diet”.


The pectin in lemon stimulates bile production and supports the pancreas organ. The author of the book "The Secret Benefits of Lemon and Honey" also claims that pectin is known to protect the body against intestinal cancers.


Each lemon contains 116 mg of potassium, an important mineral for the balance of electrolytes and water in the body, according to the NIH (National Institute of Health). Throughout the day, electrolytes, including potassium, are lost through sweating, so one way to restore potassium levels in the morning is to drink lemon juice - which prevents deficiencies or risks associated with low levels. of electrolytes.

Prevents dehydration

Making a daily habit of drinking a glass of water with lemon wedges each morning will help prevent dehydration throughout the day. But remember: if you are having health problems consult a doctor or a doctor.

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