Learn to wash your car with just a glass of water

How to clean your car with just a glass of water and using only biodegradable products, which have less impact on the environment

washing car

While the traditional washing method uses almost 100 liters of water for each vehicle, in ecolavage, the water volume drops to just 400 ml. Another important point is the use of biodegradable materials. The use of common "car shampoos" causes water pollution, as the product has detergents in its composition - these contain phosphate, which multiplies the amount of algae when the chemical ends up in rivers and water bodies and makes it impossible to passage of light through water (in the process known as eutrophication), which alters the local biodiversity. Therefore, always try to use a biodegradable cleaning product or with the least amount of harmful chemical possible. Check out the booklet below to learn how to wash cars with little water:

Step by step

What's up? Cool, isn't it? Just dilute 100 ml of "biodegradable car shampoo" in 400 ml of water, put the mixture in the spray bottle, apply it to the car with a cloth and use another cloth to dry and shine.

You don't harm the environment and your car stays clean in an easy and ecologically friendly way.

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