Know how long a mattress and other household items last

Upon reaching their expiration date, some household items accumulate more germs and are no longer effective. Learn to identify how often you should change them.

old mattress

Neha Deshmukh image in Unsplash

It is unusual to find information on how long an item lasts or disposal instructions on non-food product packaging. This means that durable items such as mattresses, pillows or even the filter candle are only changed or discarded when they are visibly damaged or very uncomfortable, without taking into account the quality or health risks they present after reaching their expiration date. Identifying how long a mattress and other household items lasts avoids health risks and ensures better use of objects.

How long does a mattress and other bedroom items last


The shelf life of mattresses and other items in the room requires attention. Beds, mattresses and pillows maintain heat and humidity conditions favorable to the appearance of mites. These animals, which feed on the secretions we eliminate during sleep, can cause conjunctivitis, eczema, tightness in the chest, sneezing, itchy hands or face, and even asthma.

Therefore, mattresses must be changed every seven years. After that time, in addition to accumulating a greater amount of mites, mattresses no longer provide the necessary support for you to have a good night's sleep.

There are three factors that indicate how long a mattress lasts. If you are tossing and turning in your sleep and wake up with body aches, this is the first sign that your mattress has reached its expiration date. The appearance and other signs of wear and tear also indicate the need for this object to be replaced.

The validity of mattresses can also be influenced by cleaning. When changing the bedding, vacuum the mattress to remove dust and mites present on it. These actions should increase their duration.


Pillows, in turn, have a shelf life of up to two years. According to a study carried out by doctors and physiotherapists, a pillow with six months of use contains about 300 thousand mites. After two years, 25% of the pillows' weight is made up of live and dead mites and their feces.

  • Learn how to wash pillows in "How to wash pillows sustainably"


Duvets can also accumulate large amounts of mites. Therefore, they must be changed every five years. Remember that it is important to wash them at least every season change.

How long does a bathroom item last


The mouth harbors hundreds of microorganisms, which can be transferred to the toothbrush during use. In addition, germs in the bathroom can also jump onto your toothbrush. An experiment carried out by the Research Foundation for Health and Social Security, which aimed to count the amount of microorganisms present in toothbrushes, showed that around 80% of the analyzed brushes harbored thousands of germs harmful to health.

That's why the Dental Association of the United States and several other professionals in the field recommend that you change your toothbrush every three months. It is worth mentioning that you can buy bamboo toothbrushes at the gift shop. eCycle portal to have more sustainable attitudes.


Towels have a shelf life of up to two years. Due to the humidity, temperature and contact with oxygen, towels are perfect places for the proliferation of microorganisms. Therefore, in addition to being washed weekly to avoid the risk of infections, towels must be discarded within two years.

Bathroom carpet

In addition to having favorable conditions for the proliferation of germs, carpets also accumulate a lot of dirt. Therefore, it is recommended that they be washed frequently and discarded every two years.

How long does a kitchen item last

Dishwasher sponge

Sponges are hot, moist surfaces that are in frequent contact with bits of food and dirt. According to studies, heat and humidity are factors that contribute to the proliferation of germs. Therefore, it is necessary to exchange this item in one or two weeks to avoid the spread of harmful micro-organisms. Another tip is to replace your synthetic sponge with a biodegradable vegetable sponge.

Filter candle

The spark plug on a water filter should be changed every three months. After reaching their expiration date, candles can create mold and bacteria. Therefore, it is important to keep this part always clean and with the expiration date up to date so that the filter as a whole does not cease to perform its function.

powdered spices

Powdered seasonings must be replaced every year. Over time, exposure to light, moisture and heat causes them to lose their potency and flavor. Therefore, if it is difficult to smell the aroma when opening the container where it is stored; if the color has faded; or if the flavor is off, discard the seasoning, even if it is within the expiration date.

how long do other items last

Fire extinguisher

Fire extinguishers with a water or dry chemical charge must be changed every year. Carbon gas equipment, on the other hand, needs to be recharged every six months. However, these estimates are only valid if the fire extinguishers are in good condition. If there is discharge or damage to the valve rings, maintenance must be done before the stipulated date.

In addition, the fire extinguisher must undergo periodic technical inspections, carried out with Inmetro, to verify that it remains in operating condition. According to Regulatory Standard 23 (NR 23 - Fire Protection), each fire extinguisher must be inspected monthly. This assessment concerns the external aspect, serving as a basis for defining the level of maintenance to be performed, if necessary.

air filters

The air filters of an air conditioner must be changed every six months. The lack of maintenance of the air filters can affect from the functioning of the device, implying a greater consumption of energy, even favoring the occurrence of health problems such as migraines and irritation in the nasal mucous membranes.

  • Learn more in the article "Air conditioning cleaning: how to do it"

Smoke detector

A location's smoke detector should be replaced every ten years. After that period, this item starts to fail, becoming less effective.

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