Refreshing and detoxing: smoothie and green juice recipes

Detoxifying juice and green smoothie are refreshing, provide vitamins and even ease fluid retention

green smoothie

Edited and resized image of Alexander Mils on Unsplash

When you want to refresh yourself with a tasty and healthy drink, a smoothie or green juice is always a good option. Usually made from combinations of fruits, vegetables and shaken yogurts, these drinks are often low in fat and rich in vitamins and minerals. Furthermore, they even help to detoxify your body.

That's the idea behind simple recipes recommended by nutritionists. You detox smoothies fight most of the toxins generated and ingested by us throughout the day, such as those from cigarettes, pollution, fat, sugar, salt, preservatives and pesticides, among others.

green smoothie

What do you think of a homemade detox smoothie recipe? Check out how to do yours below:

Receipt of smoothie watercress green

  • ½ pineapple (fresh);
  • 1 watercress plant;
  • 2 frozen bananas;
  • 1 or 2 glasses of water.

detox green juice

Cabbage is rich in iron and chlorophyll, being an ally in the treatment of anemia and in alleviating fluid retention. It also prevents our bodies from absorbing harmful chemicals present in food, helping to detoxify.

green juice recipe

  • 1 bunch of parsley or 3 large cabbage leaves;
  • 2 ripe pears (without the core);
  • 2 bananas;
  • 2 tablespoons of flaxseed;
  • 1 or 2 glasses of water.

Preparation for the two recipes

  1. Cut vegetables and fruits into pieces (size varies according to size and power of blender);
  2. Put fruits in a blender (except bananas);
  3. Add vegetables and water;
  4. Close the container;
  5. Turn on the blender and wait for the mixture to become homogeneous;
  6. Insert bananas and beat for a few minutes.

Ready! Your smoothie or green juice detox can now be served. Easy, isn't it?

Detox is a great ally for the liver - the organ responsible for eliminating toxins from our body. The result is reflected in the skin, hair, nails, body joints and even muscles.

It is important to remember that juice should not replace basic meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner), as they provide components such as carbohydrates, proteins and other essential nutrients to keep the body functioning. Green juices are just an alternative to help flush toxins out of your body - and refresh your day.

Want to better understand how to do it? Check out the video below (in English):

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