Cookie packages are recyclable in theory, but the process is not widespread. Alternative destination is possible

Despite being made of plastic, BOPP packaging is difficult to recycle. Alternative is upcycle made by companies

biscuit packaging

complicated destination

Have you ever wondered what to do with the packaging of biscuits, snacks, instant soup, chocolate bar, coffee powder, among others? Following a logical idea, it is possible that some of these packages have already been destined for the plastic part of the selective collection, after all, they are indisputably made of plastic objects. However, what it looks like may not be so simple.

This metallized plastic is known as BOPP (bi-axially oriented polypropylene, which means bi-oriented polypropylene film) and has great advantages for the food industry, as it avoids contact of the product with gases, oxygen, temperature and humidity variations. It is also easier to print on packaging made with BOPP and it slides more easily through the machines in the factory.

But that's where the advantages stop. Although Indian studies guarantee the material's recyclability, in practice, it does not occur. The main reason is the ignorance of manufacturers, recyclers, cooperatives and the consumer. Despite being a plastic like any other, BOPP needs more care, such as cleaning. Not to mention that, as recycling is still not popular, few companies use the material to manufacture other products (see more here). However, at least one factory has already been set up in the UK just for recycling BOPP. In Brazil, few recyclers do this service.

THE eCycle contacted cooperatives in the city of São Paulo and the response was similar. Eventually they collected BOPP, but with the lack of interest from buyers, it was not feasible.

What to do?

And a better alternative is to use creativity to reuse these materials for other purposes, without the recycling process. This process is called upcycle and who is in charge of this here in Brazil and in other countries around the world is Terracycle, which organizes brigades of consumers who receive to collect and send material to the company. There, balls, bags, speakers and other objects are made using BOPP packaging.

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