15 tips on how to speed up metabolism

Want to burn more calories and don't know how? Speeding up metabolism is a good start

How to Speed ​​Up Metabolism

Edited and resized image of Artem Bali is available on Unsplash

Whether it's to burn more calories or simply to improve your body's functioning, it can be helpful to know how to speed up your metabolism. Some simple tips that require few changes in your routine are able to speed up your metabolism, bringing gains for your body as a whole and also increasing your fat burning. Check out!

  • Metabolism: what it is and what factors influence it

1. Wake up 15 minutes early to stretch and do basic exercises

This practice stimulates circulation and helps speed up metabolism. Try a circuit of jumping jacks, crunches, sit-ups and squats. So you begin the calorie burning process, which will continue throughout the day.

  • Calories: do they matter?

2. Never skip breakfast

You may have heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and it really is. In the morning our metabolism needs more energy and if we don't eat properly, the metabolism will decrease energy consumption throughout the day.

3. Drink ice water and green tea

Choosing the right drinks when hydrated makes a big difference. Some liquids help you burn calories, such as ice water and green tea, which help speed up your metabolism. When you drink ice water, your body expends calories to warm up your body temperature. Avoid sugary drinks like soda.

4. Swap the elevator for the stairs

Climbing stairs for ten minutes burns approximately 50 calories. The difference may not be big in a day, but if you think about how many calories you could burn in a month, you might revisit this choice. A good tip for those who are beginning to adapt to this habit and who live on very high floors is to go down a few floors first and go up the rest.

5. Put pepper in the food

If you like pepper, you'll be happy to know that, by increasing your body temperature, it helps burn calories. Red pepper can, for about half an hour, speed up your metabolism by 15 to 20%.

6. Find ten opportunities in the day to increase your heart rate for a minute

Try doing 10 squats at the start of each hour. The added oxygen will keep you alert, activate your heart, lungs, legs and brain.

7. Sit on the floor

Sitting on the floor when watching TV makes you burn more calories than sitting on the couch. When you sit on the floor, your muscles have to support your body, and you make more effort to get up.

8. Consume ginger and omega 3

Ginger can speed up metabolism by about 20%. It can be eaten raw, braised, or in tea form. Omega 3, on the other hand, helps to burn more calories, as it increases our basal metabolism as it is anti-inflammatory.

  • 16 foods that are natural anti-inflammatory

  • Benefits of Ginger and its Tea
  • Foods rich in omega 3, 6 and 9: examples and benefits

  • Too much omega 3 can be harmful

9. Let your phone wake you up

Set your alarm from smartphone to ring every 30 minutes as a reminder to get up. So you don't spend hours without getting up from your desk.

10. Carry a small water bottle

Replace your large water bottle with one half your size. That way you'll have to get up more often to refuel. Important: do not reuse disposable bottles for drinking water; they can contaminate you. Learn more about this topic in the article: "Plastic water bottle: dangers of reuse".

11. Just five more minutes

If you're running on the treadmill or riding a bike, consider that continuing for another five or ten minutes can burn up to 100 extra calories.

12. Move with the music

Build your playlist in a way that makes you work harder during your workout. Music with faster beats tends to encourage you to follow the beat.

13. Increase the pace during ads

Instead of skipping ads when you're at the gym, take the opportunity to increase the intensity of your workouts as they go by.

14. Jump

Instead of resting between sets, jump rope to keep your heart rate up. That way you can turn a normal training day into a high intensity routine. Jumping rope burns you about 13 calories per minute.

15. Go on foot or by bike

A good exercise that can be part of your routine is walking or cycling to work. If the location is too far away, it's worth parking the bike at a pole or bike rack further away or getting off the bus a few stops early to add a few minutes of walking to your routine.

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