Would you like to build your own cell phone?

Phoneblock: The smartphone where each component is a block that can be added, moved or completely removed


Who has never played with building blocks? Before the age of video games, this was how children "traveled" through imaginary cities: blocks on blocks, a few more pieces and voila: here is a bank, a building or anything else the imagination could conceive!

The great thing about this game is that you never discarded your oldest pieces; I could always put them together with the newer ones and invent something else. Sometimes we even play about it in our real life when we buy that old car and ride it our way, little by little. Anyway, everyone likes to give things their own personal touch.

So why not do this with our smartphones? How many times have we changed devices (to be up to date with the new versions released every semester) and found that the old one had something or other that we preferred? Or that the changes are so few that they weren't worth so much money spent? Innovations, whether aesthetic or functional, are not always pleasing. At these times, how we would like our cell phone to be made with building blocks!

This is coming true. Dutch designer Dave Hakkens developed a cell phone concept that is very reminiscent of this game: the Phoneblock (see the video below).

Described as a phone worth keeping, its device uses a series of modular components that plug into a base, or motherboard of various types. Each phone component is a block that can be added, moved or completely removed. If you store your data in the cloud or use bluetooth, you can remove the storage block and add a battery block with more capacity. It is also possible to change the camera block or change the processor.

The phone was made on an open platform, but to move the project forward, Hakkens needs to bring the right people and companies together. That's why he teamed up with Thunderclap, a platform for crowdfunding (collaborative funding).

To learn more, visit the project's official website.

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