Possible Cancer Symptoms You Shouldn't Ignore

The prevention and detection of cancer are essential to reduce the incidence rate of the disease in Brazil

cancer symptoms

Edited and resized image by Ben Hershey is available on Unsplash

Below are some possible symptoms of cancer that can help you make an early diagnosis. But be aware that these symptoms DO NOT CONFIRM that the person has cancer, but may be indicative. Keeping in mind that these are just a few indicators that can renew interest in seeking specialized help, therefore; if you have any of them, get medical help.

changes in urine

cancer symptoms

Edited and resized image of Syed Umer is available on Unsplash

We all know that any bleeding or excretion (discharge) in your urine is something that should be reported to your doctor. However, it is not just the change in the nature of the urine that can be a problem, but also the quantity. As we age, the need to urinate is more frequent, but if you notice a sudden increase in the frequency of bathroom visits, particularly at night, it's worth seeking medical help.

Skin changes

Found a new wart? Or have you noticed that an old wart appears to be changing shape or color? Examine your body for blemishes and warts and keep an eye on the ABC: Asymmetry (if one side of the blemish or wart is larger than the other, this could be a sign of melanoma), Edge (the edges of the wart should be smooth, if are irregular or undefined, it is worth checking with doctors) and Color (black color may indicate melanoma). This can be one of the symptoms of skin cancer and should be checked by your dermatologist right away.

Breast lumps or redness


Edited and resized image by Pablo Heimplatz, is available on Unsplash

It is extremely important that all women undergo regular self-examination, looking for lumps and nodules, the best known indicators of breast cancer. But it's also important to keep your eyes wide open for skin changes, redness and discharge from the nipple, which could be signs of something developing.

Intermenstrual bleeding

If there is bleeding between periods, you should seek medical help. It can have many causes, from starting or stopping birth control pills, stress, STDs and even cancer of the cervix, ovaries or vagina. It is important to make regular visits to the gynecologist and have a Pap smear periodically to find out if it is not one of the symptoms of cancer.

cancer symptoms

Edited and resized image of terricks noah is available on Unsplash

sudden weight loss

cancer symptoms

Edited and resized image of i yunmai, is available on Unsplash

If you're trying to lose weight, this might be a good thing. But if you're not trying, and the weight keeps slipping, this could be a sign of a bigger problem. If you have lost more than 5% of your weight in the last 6 or 12 months and that weight loss was accompanied by other symptoms, it is worth making an appointment with your doctor to dismiss the diagnosis of cancer.

White or red spots on your mouth or lips

Noticing the appearance of blemishes on the lips is important for detecting cancer in the mouth. It is also important to perform the self-examination shown in the video above. Oral cancer is one of the most common among men and smokers. If you find any of the symptoms, it is important to visit the doctor, as early diagnosis greatly helps during treatment.


cancer symptoms

Edited and resized image of Trần Toàn, is available on Unsplash

If you're not used to having headaches and they're getting more frequent, you should keep an eye out. Chronic headaches can be caused by stress, poor diet, or lack of sleep, as well as numerous other conditions, and can be one of the symptoms of cancer.


If you are tired due to a hectic routine or a stressful week without problems, take some time for yourself, take care of yourself and prioritize your health! But if you're tired all the time for no reason at all, this can be a bit of a problem. And if it continues for a few more weeks, you should talk to your doctor to find out what the cause is and rule out one of the symptoms of cancer.

cancer symptoms

Edited and resized image of Hutomo Abrianto, is available on Unsplash

chronic cough

It always seems hard to get rid of a cough when it catches you. But the reality is that the cough shouldn't last longer than three or four weeks. If it lasts, especially if you are a smoker, it is something worth checking out by an otolaryngologist or pulmonologist.

Remember: keep an eye out for any abnormalities in your body and drink plenty of water!

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