Ten tips to remove indoor odors without harmful chemicals

Learn to improve the air in your home without using chemicals that can be harmful to your health

air flavorings

Conventional air flavors and cleaning chemicals used to improve home air quality are considered to be mostly harmful to humans. The reason for this is that they contain harmful chemicals such as benzene and formaldehyde, which are potential carcinogens, as well as other toxins and solvents.

Therefore, we have set aside some tips on how to remove bad odors from your home in a natural way, making the environment more pleasant, without harming your health:

  1. Put a little vanilla extract on the unlit bulbs. When lighting them later, they will heat the extract giving off a delicious smell;
  2. A good option for particularly strong smells: simmer white vinegar in a small pot for 30 to 45 minutes. When the vinegar evaporates, it will help to dispel strong, concentrated odors;
  3. Plants also help in this process by purifying the air naturally (believe it or not they are more than just decoration). Some of the best plants for this are orchids and peace lilies;
  4. To remove "stubborn" smells from any room in the house, mix a few tablespoons of baking soda with water in a bowl and heat. Place the bowl in the desired environment;
  5. If you have a cat at home, a great tip is to mix tea leaves in his litter box, this will neutralize her bad odor;
  6. Before bed, add a few drops of lavender or chamomile to a cotton ball. Then place the cotton inside your pillow, this will give it a relaxing, calming fragrance, perfect for a good night's sleep;
  7. To combat odors in your home, try putting some baking soda in the bottom of the trash. The alkaline nature of baking soda will absorb odors. And take the opportunity to see here two more ways to eliminate trash odor;
  8. If you have an air humidifier, add a few drops of any essential oil to your water tank as this will transmit the scent of the oil into the air in your home. If you don't have an air freshener, try a spray with a mixture of water and your favorite essential oil. Apply the spray around the house;
  9. Don't throw away citrus peels, such as lemons and oranges, as they can be very helpful in removing the odor of grease. Like? Just add water to a pan and boil it along with the fruit peels. This will neutralize the odors of the chosen environment, making it more relaxing, as well as humidifying the air;
  10. If someone in your house smokes, a nice tip to eliminate the cigarette smell is to clean the light bulbs. Cigarette smoke ends up coating the room lamps, which give off the odor throughout the room when heated.

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