Nine tips for eating well in restaurants

Large portions, goodies... The temptations are countless when eating out. We have separated some solutions for you on this occasion


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Many restaurants are known for wasting food and also for their portions, say, "ogres", which we eat without thinking twice, precisely following the logic of "cleaning the plate" because it is "a sin" to leave leftovers. Remember that the logistics of restaurants are for their professionals and don't let your body pay the bill either. Check out our tips to avoid waste when eating out:

1. Order half a portion

When you go to a restaurant that you know is over the top, go in pairs, order half a portion, or even a whole one - but keeping in mind that you will ask to wrap half of it to go or in an extra plate. The danger is to go very hungry, see that wonderful portion in front of you and consume it all out of gluttony.

2. Eat only the entrance

Many starters or portions are worth a nice complete dish. They can work well for people who have difficulty controlling how much they put on their plate. Of course, fries or black olives are not the healthiest or most nutritious option. Salads, soups and vegetable dumplings are good choices. The advantage is that, with space in your stomach, you can indulge in a good wine or a tasty dessert (but not too much. trash).

3. Sauce on the side

Whenever possible, it's a good idea to control how much sauce goes into your salad. It is common to put, in those exaggerated restaurants, greedy sauces that are not necessary.

4. Cut the drink

Alcoholic beverages weigh heavily in your pocket and waist. Have self-control - this will help you save and avoid fat. The same goes for soft drinks.

5. Pepper in the eyes of others is… Terrible!

It's better on your plate: the more flavor and more complex combinations, the greater the satiety. The same goes for the opposite: mild flavors encourage eating more. Starting by switching from mayonnaise to mustard already avoids calories without losing flavor, as well as switching creamy sauces to balsamic vinegar, or olive oil to vinegar.

6. Overuse of vegetables

Soups, salads, versions saute they are always better than breaded or creamy versions.

7. Plan your gluttony

You've waited the whole week to get to Friday and be able to feast, have a good time, end up even at the steakhouse with friends during the happy hour? So eat little for lunch and even Thursday dinner so you don't feel too much of a dietary hangover afterwards.

8. One thing at a time

A beat here, a portion there, dessert... Just choose a delicacy and stick to it. If your idea is to indulge in ice cream, then leave the fries aside. A little more is enough to make the special meal without weighing down your stomach or diet.

9. Ask freely

If you have any gluten or dairy allergies, or are even cutting them out of your diet, don't hesitate to ask the waiter about the preparation. Many restaurants, even if they are not known for a healthy or inclusive footprint, know how to respect the needs of their customers. Don't be shy at this time, it can be dangerous.

If you're on a diet, nothing stops you from going out to eat once in a while. It may be a detour on your way for a day, but it's important for emotional health to hang out with friends and family every now and then. After all, it's just food, what matters is the moments, it's not worth stressing too much about it. Having a healthy diet does not mean depriving yourself of eating well or leaving out tasty foods. Deprivation can lead to compensation for the pleasure of eating in the form of candy boxes hidden under the bed. Positive attitudes, smart choices and moderation are the most correct path to a lighter footprint.

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