Wheat germ oil: benefits and how to use

Great for skin reconstruction, it is also a great ally against diabetes and infertility

wheat germ oil

Edited and resized image by Shalitha Dissanayaka, is available Unsplash

Wheat is the second largest cereal crop in the world, second only to corn. The wheat grain is divided into three parts: the husk (pericarp), which constitutes from 14% to 18% of the grain weight; the seed (endosperm) which contains about 80% to 83% and is the part used for the production of wheat flour; and the germ, which is the embryo of a new plant constituting about 2.5% to 3% of the wheat grain.

During the milling of the grain to obtain wheat flour, the germ is removed due to the fat content that would make the flour rancid. However, this residue is not wasted. The germ is the richest part in nutrients, and because it deteriorates quickly after being detached from the grain, the best way to take advantage of these nutrients is through the production of wheat germ oil.

The extraction of this vegetable oil occurs by cold pressing, in order to keep all the nutrients contained in the germ fresh. After pressing, the germ is subjected to high pressure, without the use of heat or chemical solvent, obtaining the oil. The product is a little expensive, as to produce a kilo of pure oil, 20 tons of wheat grains are needed.

Properties and Applications

However, the nutrients present in wheat germ oil are very significant. The oil obtained contains large amounts of vitamin E, K, potassium, mineral salts and unsaturated fats. They act as antioxidants and, for this reason, wheat germ oil is widely used in the cosmetic industry in formulas for shampoos, moisturizing creams, hair conditioners, to make soap and soaps and for other uses.
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Wheat germ oil helps to significantly improve the skin's appearance, reversing sun and sun damage and serving as a great natural sunscreen for the body. They also prevent breakouts and acne and improve the appearance of the skin. And help in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis, both in adults and children, reducing scars.

To apply, just rub a little wheat germ oil directly onto the damaged skin and rub. The antioxidant and regenerative properties will help to rebuild the skin, as well as prevent against wrinkles and sagging. Germ oil is also very useful for dry and cracked skin. As a great moisturizer, it also serves to moisturize rough cuticles.


The properties of wheat germ oil can also be applied to hair. The oil helps improve the appearance of dry hair, eliminates the frizz and closes the cuticles of damaged hair. But the action does not stop there, wheat germ oil helps in hair growth and prevents hair loss. To apply it, massage the scalp with oil, especially in places where there are signs of hair loss, this will activate blood circulation and, together with the nutrients contained in the oil, will help in the growth of hair and healthy follicles.

It can be applied pure or mixed with shampoos and creams, but for better performance, use it in its pure form, as some products contain chemical substances that can be harmful to health, such as parabens. To buy pure wheat germ vegetable oil and others visit the eCycle store.


This oil is also widely used as a massage oil, as it helps to activate blood circulation, nourishes the skin and relaxes the body, providing a feeling of well-being after the massage.

It is important to know that wheat germ oil loses its properties and qualities at high temperatures. Thus, always keep stored in cool and ventilated places.

Blood circulation

Wheat germ oil, if ingested, can bring benefits, such as lowering blood sugar (being an ally against diabetes), increasing oxygen in cells, activating blood circulation, helping to treat insomnia and helping to fight stress. However, the main indication of wheat germ oil is in the treatment of infertility. In this case, germ oil is usually sold in capsule form and acts beneficially on sperm and eggs, providing essential nutrients such as vitamin E and zinc, which act in the production of sex hormones, in addition to preventing miscarriages and premature births and regulate menstruation. But it is worth consulting a doctor to find out the ideal doses and for more information.

For consumption of wheat germ oil, make sure it is suitable for this purpose before ingesting it. And if you're looking to avoid gluten beware. Although wheat germ itself does not contain gluten, it can become contaminated during processing.

  • What is gluten? Bad guy or good guy?


It is also worth mentioning that the improper disposal of oils causes serious environmental impacts, mainly in terms of water contamination. Thus, the disposal of vegetable oils in drains and sinks is inadequate, as it can cause several environmental risks and also clog the pipes. Therefore, in case of disposal, look for the correct location for these products, place the oil residues in a plastic container and take them to a disposal point so that the oil can be recycled.

You can find here the nearest point to discard them.

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