Anthocyanin present in red fruits brings benefits

Responsible for the blue, violet and red colors of most fruits, anthocyanin is as beneficial as flavonoids


Resized image of Iwona Łach, is available on Unsplash

Anthocyanin is a substance responsible for the blue, violet and red colors of most fruits. In terms of health benefits, it goes hand in hand with flavonoids.

Anthocyanin can be found in blackberries, blueberries, cherries, juçara fruits and many other foods. There are more than 600 types of anthocyanins that are used for various functions such as food coloring and pH meters. In our body, anthocyanin provides different benefits. Check out:

  • Consuming juçara palm hearts contributes to deforestation
  • What is blueberry and its benefits
  • Flavonoids: what they are and what are their benefits

Anthocyanin Benefits


Resized and cropped image by William Felker is available on Unsplash


This is the most studied effect of anthocyanin. It has the ability to fight the development of various types of tumors, such as colon, breast, liver and others, in addition to protecting the cells of the nervous system against degeneration, helping to prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's disease. The fruit that has the most anthocyanin with an antioxidant effect is blackberry (learn more about the benefits of this fruit: "The incredible benefits of blackberry";

  • Antioxidants: what are they and in what foods to find them


Several studies have shown the anti-inflammatory capacity of anthocyanin on various organs, from the digestive system to the walls of blood vessels. The substance proved to be more potent than AAS (acetyl-salicylic acid - the main component of Aspirin);

Short-term memory enhancement

One study compared feeding rats by including blueberries in one group's diet and not including them in the other's. The rats that ate the fruits, rich in anthocyanin, had better short-term memory in the tests, but there was no difference in the long-term memory;

Glaucoma Prevention

One study linked the antioxidant effects of anthocyanin to a lower incidence of glaucoma in women;

heart protection

Anthocyanin is able to inhibit the action of LDL ("bad cholesterol") and stimulate the release of enzymes that act against the accumulation of fat, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Now that you know the benefits of anthocyanin, how about including berries in your diet?

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