Six foods that contribute to a longer and healthier life

From wine to saffron; the lack of food variety is no excuse for not taking care of yourself

Six foods that contribute to a longer and healthier life

Chinese medicine advises that longevity is easy to achieve. All you need is an indication of the best foods for a healthier and longer-lasting life. We list below foods to live longer, they are sources of nutrients and vitamins that allow a long beneficial life.

1. Wine


Image of Kym Ellis in Unsplash

Studies show that red wine, taken in moderation, is good for your health. Red is rich in flavonoids, which, being antioxidants, help prevent free radicals (molecules that can cause degenerative diseases and cell aging). Resveratrol is one of the most studied antioxidants - it has the property of preventing the appearance of tumors. Research by Harvard Medical School and the National Institutes of Health has shown that resveratrol appears to delay the effects of aging in rats when given in very high doses. Oh, and the alcohol in wine helps produce more of the so-called "good cholesterol".

2. Ginger


Congerdesign image on Pixabay

Known for its nausea-fighting properties, ginger is often used when cooking seafood to avoid any seafood poisoning. according to the book Secrets of Longevity, by Chinese physician Dr. Mao Shing Ni, the plant contains geraniol, which is seen as a cancer fighter. It is anti-inflammatory, helps relieve pain, prevents blood clots, prevents headaches and migraines. Chinese medicine recommends ginger tea to preserve vitality over the years.

3. Seaweed


Niclas Illg image in Pixabay

They are rich in micronutrients, having more healing properties than land-grown vegetables. They are used as natural mineral supplements due to their iodine content. In epidemiological studies in Japan, algae consumption was found to reduce mortality from lung cancer in men and women, from pancreatic cancer in men, and from cerebrovascular disease in women. Recently, a complex of brown algae, which contains more zinc, manganese and vitamin B6, has been shown to reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis of the knee.

4. Brown rice

brown rice

PPD image in PIXNIO

This food has B vitamins in its bran, unlike white rice, which loses its bran when husked. The book Secrets of Longevity, explains that the nutrients found in whole are effective in reducing blood sugar, that is, they are great foods for those who have diabetes. Rice contains over 70 antioxidants, including vitamin E.

5. Onion and garlic

Onion and garlic

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The active ingredient in garlic, allicin, prevents atherosclerosis and coronary obstruction, which reduces cholesterol and blood clots. The vegetables of the genus Allium, like onions, garlic, and spring onions, have antibacterial properties that treat infections, regulate blood sugar, and prevent cancer. About twenty compounds in garlic show anti-cancer properties and can interact alone or together against tumors and cancer cells. In addition to being an anti-aging diet, rich in nutrients and delicious.

  • Ten Benefits of Garlic for Health

6. Saffron


Steve Buissinne image by Pixabay

The plant has curcumin as its active ingredient, which reduces the chances of degenerative diseases. It prevents the protein responsible for Alzheimer's (beta cerebral amyloid) from taking hold. Therefore, the symptoms of the disease, caused by inflammation and oxidation, are eliminated by curcumin. In addition, the antioxidants in curcuminoids are essential for our health, as well as the anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory action, as they reduce the signs of aging, improve digestion and the liver detoxification process.

avoid eating meat

Limiting meat intake is a healthy way to avoid degenerative diseases and cancer. Vegetarians generally suffer less from this affliction than meat eaters, as patients with developed cancer pass their results with insufficient vegetable fiber. According to Dr. Michael F, Roizen, author of the book The RealAge Diet: Make Yourself Younger with What You Eat, maintaining a diet with vegetables and vegetables, decreases the risk of foodborne illnesses. Since protein rich foods like meat and seafood are often seen in cases of foodborne illness. Click here and see how to start avoiding meat.

Longevity only depends on you and your diet. Consume vitamins and avoid foods that harm your health.

It is worth remembering that it is always recommended to consult a nutritionist.

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