Discover the Map of Organic Fairs

Tool maps organic fairs where you can buy pesticide-free fruits and vegetables direct from producers

Organic Trade Show Map

Do you know the benefits of organic food? They are cultivated without pesticides or industrial fertilizers, taking into account aspects such as gas emissions caused by the transport of products and avoiding environmental damage. The problem is that all this ends up weighing on your pocket when shopping. However, the Consumer Defense Institute has a tool, with several new functions, that makes life easier for those who do not want to eat five kilos of pesticides a year or waste their entire salary with vegetables on the market: the Map of Organic Fairs.

It is a site with a geo-referencing system that shows users which are the organic fairs, consumer groups and closest communities, as well as informing on days and hours of operation and an evaluation based on the opinion of regular users. The Organic Fair Map also has recipes and materials on healthy eating for download.

"Cool, but aren't organic prices expensive anyway?" That's where you're wrong, dear reader. In a price survey of organic food made by Idec, all were more expensive in supermarkets, compared to organic food fairs – with differences that reached up to 463%.

Are you eager to enter this wonderful world without pesticides or absurd prices? Access the Organic Fair Map or download the app available for Android and IOS.

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