Do it yourself: natural flavorings

With simple and accessible ingredients, you produce natural flavorings

how to make natural flavorings

The use of industrialized flavorings in the form of aerosols is harmful to health and the environment because they contain toxic substances such as benzene, formaldehyde and other volatile organic compounds known as VOCs (see more about VOCs here).

To avoid contact with these products, try making natural air fresheners made from simple and affordable ingredients. Here are some recipes on how to make natural flavorings. Then test it at your home and let us know what you think!

Spicy Potpourri

Place about an ounce of cinnamon stick, two small measures with cloves and allspice in a bag with a serrated zipper. After that, give the bag a good stir to mix the ingredients. Then remove a teaspoon of the mixture's contents, place it in a glass of water and pour everything into a pan. Light the heat on low and in a few minutes a delicious aroma will spread through the house;

Vanilla extract

Mix a few drops of vanilla extract in a cup of water. Put this mixture in a spray bottle and use it to dissipate unpleasant odors anywhere in the house;

The classic vinegar

If your room doesn't smell so good, try filling a small bowl with vinegar and leaving it in the middle of the room. Vinegar helps to absorb any bad odors in the environment.

dry lavender

Fill small bags (which have holes) with sprigs of dried lavender and place them in your bathroom, closets and drawers. Empty tea bags have the same utility (see more here on how to reuse tea bags).

apple and ginger

Gather ginger slices, lemon juice and a large handful of apple peel. Separate these ingredients, take them to a pan and cover them with water. After that, heat it over high heat until the water starts to boil. Then lower the heat and wait for all the water to evaporate. With this, you will have a pleasant aroma in your home.

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