Know the effects of tiredness on the mind

Tiredness affects our mind and body in different ways, compromising the routine. See which habits help to minimize the consequences of tiredness


We all know tiredness, whether it's spending more hours studying instead of sleeping, doing some physical activity or when you have a week of hell. The body doesn't obey at all and you know that sitting down will never get up again. But do you know the effects of tiredness on the human mind?

A study by University of Southern California indicates that when tired, we are more likely to maintain our habits - even healthy ones. Of course, in the transition period, old habits can find a break in moments of vulnerability, but once habits are consolidated, going to them will always be the most accessible option, especially when we are already exhausted and both our brain and our body they don't have the strength to resist.

Tiredness also affects the way we look at things. For example: when tired we tend to risk less - which is not necessarily a bad thing. A number of studies indicated that its more tired participants avoided having too risky behaviors and opted for more comfortable options. Making health or money decisions when you're tired can be a good thing, as you'll act more cautiously.

Therefore, a good tip to prevent tiredness from knocking you down and preventing you from having a healthier life is to make a list of habits you can adopt in your routine. For example, you can leave a list of recipes you like to eat on your refrigerator door, so when you're too tired to think about what to cook, just look at the list and choose an item without too much effort. This way, you avoid falling into procrastination and fast food.

Including exercises in your routine is also very important, even to ease your daily fatigue. But research has shown that tiredness affects not only our minds, but our bodies as well. A tired body has much less physical capacity than a well-rested body. Studies show that there is a connection between an athlete's sleep time and quality and their performance. For this, getting a good night's sleep is essential. Knowing how sleeping well is essential for health. See how to improve your sleep.

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