Machines exchange packaging for cash

Thanks to a new mechanism, a simple disposal action can even be remunerated

Very common in places with large circulation of people, such as shopping malls, gas stations and universities, vending machines usually sell soft drinks, chocolates and even books for those who deposit the determined amount. But in countries like Germany and Norway, machines have been created that work in reverse and with an ecological purpose.

In these new machines, the person deposits packaging such as PET bottles, soda cans or savory snack bags and receives money in exchange or discounts for shows and events. In addition, the machine has a mechanism in which the deposited materials are compressed or even separated by type, facilitating the disposal of items. Still in early use, this 'green' type of vending machines can be found in some European countries and the United States, more specifically in places where ecological awareness has been more present.

Still non-existent in Brazil, it shouldn't take long for these machines to be installed in some large cities, which will be an important step towards increasing awareness of the environment and correct disposal.

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