Ora-pro-nóbis: what is it for, benefits and recipes

Despite being unconventional in the Brazilian diet, ora-pro-nobis is a plant with incredible benefits


Ora-pro-nóbis, from the Latin "ora por us", is a cactus plant originating from several countries in the Americas, with a scientific name pereskia aculeata . In addition to being used as a living fence and decoration item (which can reach up to ten meters in height), ora-pro-nóbis is an unconventional food plant (Panc) with several health benefits.

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According to an article by Embrapa, the origin of the popular name is due to the fact that people used to pick the plant in the backyard of a priest. Its scientific name is a tribute to the botanical scientist Nicolas Claude Fabril de Pereisc.

Ora-pro-nóbis can be found from Argentina to Florida, but in Brazil it occurs mainly in São Paulo, Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará, Maranhão, Pernambuco, Sergipe, Goiás, Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro, Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina.



Edited and resized image by Sther Burmann is available on Wikimedia and licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Prevents chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes

The leaves of ora-pro-nóbis, which can be eaten raw or cooked, have a high fiber content. Fibers are food compounds that promote food satiety, contribute to the formation of fecal bolus and act as a prebiotic, improving bowel function.

Eating fiber is important for preventing obesity, diabetes, high cholesterol and constipation. Although there are no studies relating these factors specifically to the case of ingestion of ora-pro-nobis (it is not a conventional food), there are many analyzes on the importance of consuming fiber. In addition, the WHO (World Health Organization) recommends ingesting about 20 to 30 grams of fiber daily. Thus, for similarity, adding ora-pro-nobis leaves to the diet can be a great alternative to increase fiber intake and prevent chronic diseases. Learn more about this topic in the articles: "What are dietary fiber and its benefits?" and "Fiber-rich foods fight diabetes and high cholesterol."

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Helps fight anemia

There are several types of anemia, one of them is iron deficiency anemia, which occurs when there is iron deficiency in the body.

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One way to prevent iron deficiency anemia is to eat iron-rich foods regularly. The ora-pro-nobis is one of them. If you are being treated for iron deficiency anemia, eating foods rich in iron may be an adjunct to curing the disease. But don't substitute your conventional treatment and seek nutritional advice from a professional. To learn about other iron-rich foods, take a look at the video:

Increases muscle mass and strength

Proteins are amino acids that play important roles in the body, such as improving mood, sleep, physical performance and decreasing muscle loss. They are categorized as essential, conditionally essential or non-essential amino acids depending on a number of factors. These organic compounds are basically formed by nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.

Proteins help you lose weight, eliminate belly fat and increase muscle mass and strength. Protein-rich foods also help lower blood pressure and fight diabetes. Because it is rich in protein and low in calories, ora-pro-nobis can be an ally in training and any normal diet. To learn more about this topic, take a look at the articles: "What Amino Acids Are and What They Are For", "What Are Proteins and Their Benefits" and "Ten Protein-Rich Foods".

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good for the bones


Edited and resized image by Ricardosdag is available on Wikimedia and licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Calcium is very important for health. It is, of all minerals, the one present in the body in the greatest amount, as it makes up a large part of bones and teeth and plays a role in heart health, muscle and nerve function.

The recommended daily intake of calcium is 1,000 mg per day for most adults, although women over 50 and all over 70 should receive 1,200 mg per day, while children and young people ages four to 18 should consume 1300 mg.

However, a large percentage of the population cannot meet their calcium needs through their diet, according to the study. In addition, most people believe that calcium can only be obtained from animal milk and its derivatives.

Ora-pro-nobis is rich in calcium and, like other foods rich in this mineral, can be good for bones. You can use it as one of the foods rich in calcium to make up your diet, other examples are seaweed, sesame and tofu. Learn more about this topic in the article: "Nine Calcium-Rich Non-Dairy Foods".

It is rich in magnesium


Edited and resized image of Nadiatalent is available on Wikimedia and licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0

Magnesium participates in more than 350 key biochemical reactions, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control and blood pressure regulation. Magnesium is needed for energy production and for the structural development of bone.

Furthermore, magnesium is related to the transport of calcium and potassium ions across cell membranes. This process is essential for conducting nerve impulses, controlling heart rate and muscle contraction.

As it is also rich in magnesium, ora-pro-nóbis is a great alternative for enrichment and increase in food.

Ora-pro-nóbis leaves are usually eaten sautéed, and can be part of stews, sauces, replace other leafy vegetables and make up protein dishes, pasta and farofa.

In general, the Pancs, like the ora-pro-nóbis , are alternative foods that are good sources of nutrients and accessible that have great potential in combating malnutrition in the low-income population. However, it is worth remembering that there is no single food alone that is capable of fighting hunger and malnutrition. For this, it is necessary to provide access to a varied diet, with few processed foods.

Recipes with ora-pro-nobis

Here are two recipes with ora-pro-nobis to inspire you and include this food in your diet.

Ora-pro-nobis vegan pate

Ora-pro-nobis chips

Sources: Embrapa, PubMed, WHO, Nutrition Data and Unesp

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