Common in processed foods, refined wheat flour can increase blood sugar

As the most common type, refined white flour is very popular in kitchens throughout Brazil, but it hides risks

We consume wheat flour in breads, cakes, including pre-prepared ones, cookies and various pastas, such as pizza. Often, these foods are made from refined wheat flour, a danger for diabetes. Let's better understand the question:

How is white flour processed?

Flour fortification began in the 1930s in a battle against diseases caused by vitamin deficiencies. The flour milling process depletes the wheat nutrients, so enrichment is needed to try to add the nutrients back to the food. During the milling process, the wheat bran and germ, which contain most of the fiber and nutrients, are removed. Basically, wheat goes through three processes until it becomes flour. First, there is the separation process and then the milling process to make the flour more palatable and reduce it to powder. Finally, there is the enrichment and the flour is ready to be consumed (see more here).

What are the health effects?

Enriched white flour is a refined grain that is composed of simple carbohydrates (mainly starch), has little fiber and has a high glycemic index (GI).

The GI found in this type of wheat flour is about twice that of unprocessed foods (see table with the GI of some edible items here). As a harmful effect, the consumption of wheat flour releases sugar into the bloodstream quickly and, over time, it is possible that an individual who eats flour and processed and refined foods in excess will develop insulin resistance and, eventually, type II diabetes .

When foods containing refined wheat flour are fried, the body receives an even higher dose of refined fat and carbohydrates. This disrupts the body's metabolism rate and can cause, in addition to inflammation and insulin resistance, heart disease, arthritis, Alzheimer's disease and even cancer (see more here).

For diabetics, a diet based on refined cereals is not recommended.

Where else is wheat flour present?

According to the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa), premixes or ready mixes are also sold for baking in the form of hamburger bread, hot dog, rye bread, sliced ​​bread, sponge cake, sweet bread, French bread, wholemeal bread and premixes for confectionery, such as croissants, cheese breads and dreams.

Alternatives for a healthier diet

A good option is to make use of whole grains, as they contain the parts of wheat (bran, endosperm and wheat germ) that concentrate nutrients and fiber (see more here).

Pay attention to the composition of the food, as even wholegrain breads can have large amounts of refined white flour.

Check here and here for some tips on choosing your food.

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