Learn to do carpet cleaning with homemade products

In addition to cleaning carpets, homemade products are less harmful to the environment

Carpet cleaning

Image: Trang Nguyen on Unsplash

More economical, homemade cleaning products are a great alternative for those who no longer want to use conventional chemicals - which are toxic and contaminate the air in homes. In addition to the financial advantage, the homemade ones have ingredients that are less harmful to the environment. For carpet cleaning, for example, baking soda, vinegar and essential oils are good options.

These ingredients are simple and inexpensive, in addition to being less aggressive. Learn how to do carpet cleaning using a homemade mixture and check out other carpet cleaning tips to remove stains and remove odors. See also how to dry-clean carpet.

  • What is hydrogen peroxide for?

Carpet cleaning

1. Bicarbonate and essential oil

Use the mixture to dry-clean the rug and neutralize odors.


  • 2 cups of baking soda;
  • 10 to 20 drops of your preferred essential oil;
  • 1 container (plastic or glass);
  • 1 tablespoon;
  • 1 cardboard;
  • 1 hole punch.


Insert the contents of the two cups of baking soda and the drops of essential oil into the container. Then use the spoon to mix the substances well.

Once this is done, if you want, use a piece of cardboard and the hole punch to make a lid with holes for the container (a kind of salt shaker lid, in larger proportions). Then just apply the content to the rug or carpet.

Let the mixture sit for 15 minutes until it absorbs the odors. Then use the vacuum cleaner on the carpet to remove what's left and you're done!

A good place to store this mixture is under the kitchen sink. This way, it will neutralize the surrounding odors and can also be used to scrub pots, pans and the sink itself, when they are very dirty.

But remember to purchase baking soda from a reliable manufacturer, as only then will you have the assurance that the product is natural and that it has not harmed the environment in its manufacturing process.

2. Bicarbonate and cornstarch

This recipe is very similar to the one above and has the same function. Mix the two ingredients in equal proportions and sprinkle over the entire mat. Wait for a few minutes to act. This mixture helps to pull the dirt that is attached to the fibers and then you just have to clean everything with the vacuum cleaner.

3. Bicarbonate and hydrogen peroxide

This mixture is suitable for those who need to remove stains from the carpet. Make a paste of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and apply over the stains. Wait for a few minutes to act and remove with a dry white paper or cloth. Remember not to rub the mixture as this can spread the stain to other areas. Do not use old colored paper or newspaper, which can loosen ink and make the problem worse.

4. Vinegar

Vinegar is a homemade solution for those who need to neutralize odors - it is very useful for cleaning animal urine. If your dog has peed on the rug, dry it as much as possible, then spray the area with plain vinegar. It will neutralize urine acidity, eliminate bad smell and kill germs.

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