Music Train Bala was illustrated and became an excellent gift book

The work was a finalist for the 2018 Jabuti Award. Each item sold enables a music lesson for a child

Bullet Train Editor Flight

The verses of the song Trem Bala deeply moved thousands of people. In Ana Vilela's sweet voice and guitar, Trem Bala has traveled far beyond what this young and talented singer could hope for. Such true music has become a gift to all of us.

In this book, Trem Bala gained shape, colors and even more charm in the delicate lines of illustrator Anna Cunha . The song became a gift book. A book to delight. A gift for a lifetime.

The book was a finalist in 2018 for the 60th Jabuti Award, the most prestigious literary award in the country, in the Illustration and Graphic Design categories.

“It's knowing how to feel infinite in such a vast and beautiful universe. It's knowing how to dream. And then make every verse in that poem about believing count."

The Trem Bala book is a great gift because it has an exquisite finish, designed to thrill the recipient. Just as it was with the music, which played to the depths of so many people who heard it and sent it to those who would like to share those words. It is a visually surprising book, a beautiful meeting of Anna Cunha's sensitive traits and Ana Vilela's verses.

From this meeting of talents and from Voo publishing house's desire to spread the message in Trem Bala's lyrics, this special project was born. Now, in the form of a picture book, you will be able to give this song to anyone you want, be it someone special or yourself.

Printed in a conscious, responsible and collaborative way.

Who is Ana Vilela? Singer and songwriter born in Londrina, Paraná, Ana is a sensitive and talented girl. An artist capable of transforming her feelings and reflections into beautiful words and compositions. That's when he composed Trem Bala, a song that transformed his life.

Who is Anna Cunha? An illustrator from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Anna has delicate features that reveal a bit of herself, a sweet and dreamy person. He has illustrated books for Brazilian and foreign publishers, some selected for the Bologna Catalog and awarded by the National Foundation for Children and Youth Books. Anna has a degree in Fine Arts from UEMG and a post-graduate degree in Illustration from the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.

The lyrics of the song Trem Bala by Ana Vilela illustrated by Anna Cunha . A lovely book, great as a gift! Each item sold provides a music lesson for a child.

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