What will São Paulo's subway and train lines look like in 2021?

If all goes well, the network should be more complex and functional

The drawing above represents the possible rail transport network for passengers (train and subway - with some bus connections) of the city of São Paulo and surroundings in 2021.

Seven years from now, if the plan is followed to the letter, people from São Paulo will be able to quickly go to areas that are difficult to access nowadays, such as the Morumbi Stadium and Congonhas Airport, not to mention the benefits related to the non-emission of pollutants.

The projection was made by the Companhia Paulista de Trens Metropolitanos and may change in the future. There are six lines shown on the map that are under construction or with a bidding process in progress.

Ready, the lines will cover an area of ​​183.7 kilometers and will serve several regions. Some should be ready in 2016.

However, there may be delays. To learn more about expansion, click here. To view the photo in high resolution, click here.

Source: Sustainable Architecture

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