Lemon water: uses and benefits

Drinking lemon water can be very beneficial to your health. Understand

Water with lemon and mint

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Drinking lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning is a common habit among those who want to keep their body healthy. But is drinking lemon water really good?

Why drink lemon water?

Lemon adds a touch of flavor to many foods and water is no different. But besides the taste, what would be the benefits of adding it to water? The truth is, little scientific research has been done on the benefits of drinking lemon water. On the other hand, there is a lot of research that shows the benefits of consuming lemon and the benefits of consuming water.

1. Promotes hydration

Water is the best drink for hydration, but some people don't consume the amount of water needed daily because they don't like the taste. Therefore, adding a few drops of lemon improves the taste of the water, which can increase your drink intake.

2. It is a good source of vitamin C

Lemon is rich in vitamin C, a primary antioxidant that helps protect cells from harmful free radicals. The vitamin C in lemon can help reduce blood pressure, the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke, and prevent or limit the duration of the common cold in some people.

3. Improves skin appearance

Vitamin C found in lemon water will help reduce wrinkling of the skin. A study published in American Society for Clinical Nutrition concluded that people who consume more vitamin C are less likely to have wrinkled and dry skin. A likely explanation for this is the fact that vitamin C helps the body's natural collagen production. Water, in turn, reduces dehydration, which leads to the development of wrinkles and dryness. THE School of Medicine and Public Health recommends drinking at least eight glasses of water daily to stay hydrated and flush toxins from your skin. So how about combining the benefits of water and lemon in one drink?

4. Prevent overweight

A study, published in Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition, showed that the polyphenol antioxidants found in lemon significantly reduced the weight gain caused by a high-fat diet in mice. Also, insulin resistance was improved. While the same results need to be proven in humans, there is strong evidence that lemon water prevents weight gain. However, whether this is due to an increase in water intake or due to the lemon polyphenols needs to be further analyzed.

5. Improves digestion

Some people drink lemon water in the morning as a form of daily laxative to help prevent constipation. Drinking warm lemon water upon waking can speed up the digestive system. Ayurvedic medicine (Indian medical philosophy) believes that the sour flavor of lemon helps stimulate "agni"(digestive fire). In Ayurvedic philosophy, a strong stimulus to agni starts the digestive system, facilitating the digestion of food and helping to prevent the build-up of toxins.

6. Freshens the breath

Have you ever rubbed a lemon on your hands to remove a strong foul odor? People believe that lemon is a great odor neutralizer. The same folk remedy can be applied to bad breath caused by eating foods with strong smells, such as garlic, onions, or fish. One option to alleviate the problem is to drink a glass of water with lemon in the morning, after the first meal, which makes the breath sweeter. Lemon stimulates the creation of saliva, and water helps prevent a dry mouth, which reduces bad breath caused by dry mouth and excessive bacterial growth.

7. Helps prevent kidney stones

The citric acid present in lemon can help prevent kidney stones. THE School of Medicine and Public Health recommends increasing citric acid intake to decrease the risk of developing kidney stones. Drinking lemon water not only helps you get more citric acid, it also helps keep your kidneys well hydrated.

8. Reduces inflammation

Lemon vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant and is a source of plant compounds called flavonoids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Antioxidants help protect the body's cells from damage and reduce the risk of health conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer. Citrus flavonoids also reduce inflammation in the body.

How to make water with lemon

When making water with lemon, always use fresh lemons (preferably organic). Squeeze half a lemon into an American cup (or a 250 ml glass) of warm or cold water. To improve the flavor you can add fresh mint leaves, basil, ginger or maple syrup.


Do not brush your teeth until half an hour after drinking lemon water, as toothbrush friction in conjunction with the acidity of the lemon can corrode tooth enamel.

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