Tissue remains are transformed into single banks

Meet PLOF, a bank made from the reuse of industrial fabric waste


Every day the textile industries generate tons of waste. They are fabrics of all kinds, discarded due to excess production, small manufacturing defects or errors caused by unskilled labor. These leftovers are usually thrown in the trash, or burned, losing any and all use they could still have and thus contributing to the pollution of cities (whether air pollution with burning, or pollution of rivers and bodies of water or land , with incorrect disposal).

But in the midst of this "trash", there are people who see opportunity. Designers from the Belgian studio Atelier Belge created a bench with industrial leftover fabrics called PLOF. The idea came from the desire to use only the country's own products and to practice the reuse of fabrics.


Tissue residues are shredded and placed inside a clear PE plastic container, which is then shaped to form the bench, with the inclusion of buttons. Because of the way PLOF is made, and the fact that fabric and color mixes are never the same, each PLOF is a unique piece.

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