Work out at any age: tips for those in their 30s, 40s or 50s

Yoga, weight training and walking are the recommended activities

Everyone is tired of knowing that exercise is good for your health. They regulate diabetes, fight symptoms of depression and strengthen the heart. However, as we age, our bodies have different needs, so we separate some foods and types of exercise for each age that take into account the particularities of each age group. It is important to remember that it is never a good idea to overdo it or start a routine without first visiting a doctor.

at 30 years of age

At age thirty you are still close to peaking your fitness, however it is also the time when your body starts to get rebellious. From this age group onwards, women begin to lose two pounds of muscle every decade.

It's ideal to start this phase at your ideal weight to avoid further problems when your own biology makes things difficult for you. A 2010 study by Harvard University found that premenopausal women who cycled four hours a week were 26% less likely to gain weight (up to 5% of their initial weight) over the next 16 years.

To eat well, focus on calcium (a thousand milligrams a day is enough). Good sources of calcium are yogurt, salmon, almonds and kale (if you want to know more about foods that are beneficial to the body click here).

at 40 years of age

Muscle is important not because it makes the body look leaner, but because it helps burn fat and thus also helps fight heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and cancer. Focus on foods rich in good carbohydrates (fruits and whole grains), lean protein (fish, yogurt and legumes), healthy fat (olive oil and nuts). Carbohydrates will give you energy throughout the day, protein and fat help maintain the muscles that are crucial to maximizing your metabolism.

At forty, recovery from exercise may take a little longer, this is due to the drop in the production of hormones such as estrogen, testosterone and cortisol. The mitochondria in your cells (involved in oxygen consumption, muscle building and repair) start to lose capacity as you age. The idea is to do your exercises emphasizing flexibility, like practicing Yoga. If you don't like it, don't worry, try investing in some other exercise like walking, cycling and swimming. If you already exercise and are a fan of the gym, working on your muscles will help keep your metabolism active.

at age 50

There's nothing better at this age than exercising. Countless research indicates that exercising at age 50 helps with heart health, strengthens bones, fights cancer, improves the immune system and is one of the most efficient ways to exercise the brain as well.

When exercising, mix cardiovascular training with strength and flexibility. Remember that stretching not only works flexibility but also improves muscle strength.

As we've already advised for those who have reached their 40s, yoga is a great addition to your routine. In a study by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, those aged 45 to 55 who practiced yoga at least once a week for four or more years weighed a pound less than non-practitioners.

In this age group, it is important to drink plenty of liquid, whether in the form of teas, juices or with the reusable bottle of water at your side (learn the dangers of reusing plastic bottles here). As we age, the percentage of water in the body decreases. And for wine lovers, a recent study suggests that a glass or two a day helps slow bone loss.

regardless of age

No matter what age you are, there are a few things everyone should do:

To sleep

Extremely important for health, it is one of the processes that govern appetite, energy use and weight control, thus regulating the body and keeping it more resistant to disease, improving physical and mental performance. Lack of sleep also accelerates aging and stresses the body. To learn more about the benefits of sleep, click here.

To have fun

There's no point in exercising if there isn't a bit of fun in it all. Choose an exercise that you like and that you find fun - find a new hobby, a new passion.

Work out with life

You don't have to join a gym to be healthy. Get your weekly exercise rate elsewhere: You can combine your daily walk with a walk with your dog; or go down a floor by stairs; enjoy and take the dance lessons you've always thought of doing. Enjoy!

Check out the video below (in English) about a small community in the United States that exercises in Health Spaces in the park:

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