Lester Brown's best-selling book has a free downloadable version

The work "Plan B 4.0 - Mobilization to Save Civilization" addresses environmental issues and proposes solutions, such as investing in renewable energy

Lester Brown

The founder of Earth Policy Institute, a research institute based in Washington DC, USA, Lester Brown, launched the book "Plan B 4.0 - Mobilization to Save Civilization", produced by the Worldwatch Insitute, in 2009. Since then, the The work received several positive reviews, including from former US President Bill Clinton.

In the book, the author investigates important issues related to the environmental issue, such as global warming, world crises, points out ecological problems that attack our planet and offers some solutions for society and governments.

The book is the update of a series of works started in 1993 by Brown. "Plan B 4.0" is rich in details and data from research carried out by him, and 80 pages are dedicated only to references consulted for the production of the work (the book contains 410 pages in total). It may sound boring, but Brown manages to turn so much information into enjoyable and instructive read.

Drawing a parallel with other authors, the founder of the Earth Policy Insitute focuses mainly on challenges such as reducing CO2 levels by up to 80% by the year 2020. A progress that would reflect on two other axes: increasing energy efficiency and the adoption of renewable energy sources, such as thermal, wind and solar.

Download the virtual version

Consistent with the proposal to avoid unnecessary energy expenditure, the Worldwatch Institute in Brazil made the book available virtually, in Portuguese, through this link. Just download the PDF file or read the work over the internet.

Author of more than 50 environmental books translated into more than 40 languages, Lester Brown is founder and president of the Earth Policy Institute and also founder of the Worldwatch Insitute. Brown is one of the most important names internationally when it comes to ecology and sustainability.

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