Everything you need to know about Generation Y

Generation Y is driven by technology and innovation; and has a peculiar professional and consumption profile.

Y generation

Edited and resized image of Wyron A, is available on Unsplash

Generation Y , Millennials , Internet Generation or Millennials (from English: Millennials ), is a sociological concept that refers to those born in the 1980s until 1995 (some actors extend to 2000). The peculiar characteristic of Generation Y is the urban, technological and economic prosperity context in which it emerged; with lots of playful elements, toys, artifacts and appliances available.

previous generations

The generation of consumers and professionals that extends from the year 1945 is called baby boomers: after the 1st and 2nd World Wars, it was possible to observe a high growth in birth rates. This social phenomenon was known as a true “baby boom”, hence the name. People of this generation sought stability, due to the trauma suffered by the conflicts they faced. And work was a way found to achieve this security. A rigid professional hierarchy, fixed working hours and organization were the hallmarks of the labor market at that time and stocking up on purchased products was a common feature of consumers of this generation. Furthermore, the career choice was a lifelong choice: changing careers was not a plausible possibility. This was supported by an economy that was growing strongly and a state that invested in basic services for the population.

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The next generation is called Generation X, contemporaries of the 60s, 70s and 80s. Highly competitive and extroverted, the members of this generation were directly benefited by the social and family stability achieved by the baby boomers. For that reason, they had the opportunity to be able to think about their own interests. These professionals have a mindset that aims for rapid growth through an aggressive posture. Unlike the previous generation, it doesn't consider that work should start and finish at a certain time. It was among these professionals that the image of the workaholic, who raises the career banner at any cost and extends the work to the happy hour. The consumers of Generation X they are those who prioritize practicality and the brands of what they consume. In economic terms, the last part of this generation experienced the beginning of neoliberalism.

Generation Y

Unlike its predecessors, the Y generation witnessed the emergence and growth of new technologies. This is the generation of tablets, applications, iPads, smartphones and social networks. It is also the generation of consumption, internet shopping and shopping malls.
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Accustomed to different technologies, individuals born between the 80s and 90s are used to speed and speed in transmitting information. These factors make the professionals of this generation show more motivated when they are entrusted with short-term goals.

In fact, thanks to these technologies, Generation Y professionals are the professionals WiFi: your positions can be exercised in home office mode and anywhere, as long as there is a good internet connection. For this reason, they do not necessarily follow a rigid work routine as happened with the baby boomers.

This new workforce is also highly adaptable and flexible, as it is not fond of hierarchical structures and is interested in dynamic jobs that extend beyond office cubicles. They like to have autonomy and are interested in acquiring new knowledge. For this reason, they look for informal ways to improve their professional curriculum, taking online courses, attending lectures and seeking experiences abroad.

Furthermore, professional fulfillment for these young people is directly linked to satisfaction. Now, the idea of ​​a career at any cost, very common among individuals in the Generation X , finds a strong competitor among these extremely dynamic professionals: personal fulfillment. If the chosen career doesn't bring personal fulfillment, then it's not worth investing in it.

Want to know more about the Y generation and its predecessors? Check out the video:

What do they have to offer the world?

These eager, dynamic and flexible young people have been labeled by common sense as alienated, enclosed in the digital world of images, and capable of seeing only what the computer screen shows. They have also been described as the generation of regular consumers, who go shopping with essentially hedonistic motivations, responsible for nurturing lifestyles that are not sustainable.

However, the profile of Y generation , as well as the profile of previous and future generations, has a lot to collaborate with society and the world.

Mastery of technologies, creativity, innovative and irreverent thinking and great access to information… these denominators that succinctly define this generation fit perfectly into a professional field that has grown in recent years: the creative economy, or industry. In Brazil alone, the growth of the creative economy was 6.13% in the last five years. A modest but promising growth.

The jobs that are part of this segment are those that have their origin in individual creativity, skills and talents that have the potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property.

Does such a generation really exist? Is it restricted to certain environments or social strata? Can she change reality with creativity? These are answers that only time will tell. But you can express your opinion in the comments below.

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