What are the differences between vegetable oils and essential oils?

Do you have this question? Understand the different uses and properties

Essential oils and vegetables

Essential oil, vegetable oil... Chances are you've already thought it's all the same. But the differences are very important and knowing them can make you enjoy their benefits much more.


Starting with the basics, oil. For a substance to be considered an oil, it must have the following properties:

  • Be liquid at room temperature;
  • Be composed of long molecules, of a type of molecule or mixture (hydrocarbons and/or fatty acids, in most cases).

Similarities and differences between vegetable and essential oil

Both vegetable and essential oils are extracted from different parts of vegetables. Typically, vegetable oils are extracted from seeds and fruits, while essential oils are extracted from stems, leaves, flowers and even roots.

A marked difference between the two types of oils has to do with their compositions, which directly affect the physical properties (appearance, smell, viscosity...) and their uses.

For vegetable oils

Usually vegetable oils are more viscous and do not have a strong aroma, this is due to their composition. Vegetable oils are composed of very long and “heavy” molecules (fats), thanks to this, these molecules are more “joined” to each other, causing the liquid to become more “thick”, viscous. The vast majority of compounds that make up vegetable oils are formed by fatty acids. Many can be ingested and are used in cooking - some are very important for daily food, as they are sources of vitamins and omega-3s.

for essential oils

Essential oils are very famous for their pleasant aroma. The fact that we can smell an essential oil is because the molecules there are leaving the oil and spreading through the air to reach our noses. The molecules that make up essential oils are smaller and “lighter”, thanks to this they are less viscous and more volatile, evaporating more easily. Essential oils should not be ingested - if ingested, they can cause stomach pain and even nausea.

Different applications


In addition to being used in cooking, vegetable oils are used as "carrier oils". Vegetable oil is used to dilute essential oils, so vegetable oil "carries" the essential, as essential oils are very concentrated and can cause irritation to the skin. Remember that there are differences between vegetable oils. Some are suitable for use in cosmetics and others only in cooking. In cosmetics, vegetable oils are widely used to give moisturizing properties to the product and to be sources of vitamins and mineral salts. Also check out our exclusive article on vegetable oil.


Essential oils are widely used in products such as flavorings and also in the area of ​​aromatherapy. Some oils have antibacterial properties, thus having more use in cosmetics as preservatives. Some equipment uses essential oils as aromatizers, purifiers and air sanitizers. We also have another exclusive article about essential oils, check it out!

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