Backpack with solar plate is an option to recharge electronics in a sustainable way

Portable solar charger has a battery located inside the backpack that provides renewable energy to several gadgets

Backpack with solar plate

Increasingly powerful smartphones, notebooks, tablets, music players; our daily lives are increasingly connected to the portable gadgets we carry around with us. But these devices need energy to function, and there is enormous potential in renewable sources to provide that much-needed power to our devices' batteries. One of the interesting alternatives available on the market is the AporoBag backpack, by Cactus.

The backpack has a solar plate and a removable, rechargeable battery and works as a portable solar charger. The time required for charging is four to five hours. Types of devices that can be recharged by battery include cell phones, smartphones, MP4, GPS and other electronic devices that support 5V charging. The backpack costs €120 (about R$390) and comes with connectors and battery. It has six color options: blue, green, orange, pink, silver and red.

There are some initiatives to include solar energy in the daily lives of users of portable electronic products, but the efforts and adoption of these alternatives still seem to be little present in people's routine. Even so, with the technological development, new options for those who want to use green energy to recharge their devices are appearing, mainly in the international market.

  • To learn more about the product, visit the official website or take a look at the video above.

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