Forest Protection Day: do your part

July 17th is Forest Protection Day, a date to remember that taking care of forests is not an option but a necessity.

Amazon rainforest

Every 17th of July is a day to draw people's attention to the importance of preserving forests. On this date, Brazil celebrates the Day for the Protection of Forests. 20% of all species on Earth live in Brazil, especially in the Amazon rainforest, which is constantly threatened by deforestation.

The date also marks the Day of the Protector of Forests, a figure associated with the character of Brazilian folklore Curupira. According to folklore, Curupira protects forests from constant human aggression, such as deforestation and hunting of animals. The aggressors are attracted by this figure and never return, getting lost in the forest.

Unfortunately, Curupira is just a mythical figure and effective actions are needed to stop the advance and growth of deforestation and illegal exploitation of biodiversity. It was with this in mind that the two dates came together in the search for the preservation of Brazilian forests.

Forests provide a very important type of wealth for humanity, the so-called ecosystem services, which are several benefits, such as food, raw materials, beautiful landscapes, climate regulation, biodiversity, tourism and so on. An indispensable ecosystem that is interconnected with most others is forests. They cover only 30% of planet Earth, but about 80% of all living things on Earth live in this type of environment. Learn more about this in the article: "Forests: the great providers of services, raw materials and solutions".

On a daily basis, it is important that each person does their part for the preservation of forests. Check out some simple tips on how to contribute to the long life of our vegetation:

  • Use products made from reforestation wood, usually identified with a seal or certificate;
  • Do not set fire to woods;
  • Do not throw garbage into the environment;
  • Always prioritize recycled and recyclable papers;
  • Do not throw cigarettes or burning objects in forests or wooded areas;
  • Talk to the children around you about the importance of taking good care of forests.

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