Retinol palmitate: good for the eyes, bad for the skin

Care must be taken with retinol palmitate in sunscreens as it can bring more risks than benefits


When you think about vitamin A, what goes through your mind? Carrot? Benefits to vision? Okay, but did you know that it can also be related to potential health problems from being a component of sunscreens? To understand the issue, first of all, it is necessary to understand a little more about some substances.

Retinol palmitate (retinyl palmitate, in English) is one of the found forms of retinol.

Retinol is a micronutrient derived from vitamin A, and belongs to the class of fat-soluble vitamins. It is necessary for the maintenance of eye health, for the growth and development of children and participates in the defense of the body, helping to keep the mucous membranes moist (internal body covering that covers some organs such as the nose, throat, mouth, eyes, stomach and which act as a barrier against viruses and bacteria).

Studies show that vitamin A acts as an antioxidant (fights free radicals that accelerate aging and are associated with some diseases).

The lack of this vitamin, in addition to causing night blindness, that is, the difficulty to see well in the twilight, can cause changes in the skin, increase the severity of infections and problems in children's growth.

where is found

Vitamin A can be found naturally in certain foods such as dark green leafy vegetables (spinach), yellow vegetables (pumpkin and carrots), yellow non-citrus fruits and oranges (mangoes, peaches and papaya).

The use of vitamin A in cosmetics

In cosmetic products, vitamin A started to be used because it is believed that it works to delay skin aging, due to its antioxidant power.

Vitamin A derivatives, if well used, do not cause health problems, but some concerns about the use of retinol palmitate in body creams and its exposure to sunlight emerged after a publication in the National Toxicology Program (NTP) on the use of these substances - particularly, on their use in the composition of sunscreens.

health risks

According to the study, the retinol palmitate contained in sunscreens may increase the rate of skin cancer growth. The carcinogenic effect is due to the fact that retinol palmitate forms free radicals in the presence of solar radiation, due to UVA and UVB rays and, therefore, these radicals end up compromising the structure of the DNA, which can lead to cancer.

THE Food and Drug Administration (FDA), an American body that supervises and authorizes the trade in food and cosmetics, argues that more studies are needed on the subject, but it is important to be aware of the dangers of sunscreen when combined with vitamin A.

In Brazil, in general, the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) stipulates that vitamin A, in the form of retinol, is used in cosmetic preparations with a maximum concentration of 10 thousand IU (3 thousand micrograms) of vitamin A per gram of finished product.

Any questions about the safety of using any type of sunscreen, consult a dermatologist and avoid products that contain retinol palmitate and retinol derivatives in their composition.

To learn more about other potentially harmful items present in cosmetics, take a look at the article: "Know the main substances that should be avoided in cosmetics and hygiene products".

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