Seasickness Remedy: 18 Home Style Tips

Nausea in pregnancy or other circumstances can be treated with home remedies. Understand

seasickness remedy

Seasickness is something most people are familiar with. It is never pleasant and can arise in a variety of situations, such as pregnancy, poor diet or traveling.

  • Home remedy for motion sickness during pregnancy

There are many types of medicine for seasickness. However, such medications can have negative side effects, including drowsiness. But it is possible to treat seasickness with home remedies and also by adopting practices such as yoga and breath control.

Check out tips on home-style seasickness remedy

1. Eat Ginger

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Edited and resized image of Natural Chef Carolyn Nicholas, is available on Unsplash

Ginger is a commonly used natural remedy to treat seasickness. How it works is not fully understood. However, experts in the field believe that ginger compounds may work similarly to conventional seasickness remedies. A study published by the platform PubMed showed that it can be effective in treating nausea in pregnancy (although its safety has not been proven in this case). Another study published by the same platform showed that ginger could be a home remedy for nausea in people undergoing chemotherapy.

Another study that analyzed a compilation of studies on the effectiveness and safety of using ginger as a home remedy for motion sickness in pregnancy concluded that consuming ginger can be an effective way to reduce motion sickness during the first few months of pregnancy. However, uncertainty remains regarding the maximum safe dose of ginger, the appropriate duration of treatment, the consequences of overdose, and possible drug and herbal interactions; they are all important areas for future research.

Some studies even report that ginger is as effective as some prescription drugs, with fewer negative side effects.

There is no consensus on the most effective dosage, but most of the above studies provided participants with 0.5 to 1.5 grams of dry ginger per day.

Ginger is safe for most people to use. However, you may need to limit your ginger intake if you are prone to low blood pressure or blood sugar, or if you are taking blood thinners.

Although there are few studies on ginger, those performed on healthy pregnant women have reported a low risk of side effects. Thus, most experts consider ginger to be a safe and effective remedy for the treatment of motion sickness in pregnancy (see studies here: 1, 2, 3, 4).

2. Aromatherapy with peppermint essential oil

seasickness remedy

Image: Essential oil, by Kelly Sikkema available on Unsplash

Peppermint aromatherapy is another home remedy alternative for seasickness. One study evaluated its effects on women who gave birth via caesarean section and found that those who were exposed to the scent of peppermint rated their seasickness level significantly lower than those who received conventional seasickness medicine or placebo.

In another study, aromatherapy with peppermint proved to be effective in reducing seasickness in 57% of the cases analyzed.

  • Peppermint Essential Oil: 25 Benefits
  • Benefits of mint and its tea
  • Discover nine essential oils and their benefits

3. Acupuncture or acupressure

Acupuncture and acupressure are two techniques commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat nausea and vomiting.

During acupuncture, fine needles are inserted into specific points on the body. Acupressure aims to stimulate the same points on the body, but uses pressure instead of needles.

Both techniques stimulate nerve fibers, which transmit signals to the brain and spinal cord. These signs are believed to have the ability to decrease seasickness.

Two reviews concluded that acupuncture and acupressure reduce the risk of developing motion sickness after an operation by 28 to 75%.

Furthermore, studies show that both forms are as effective as conventional seasickness remedies, with virtually no negative side effects.

Likewise, two other reviews concluded that acupressure decreases the severity of motion sickness and the risk of developing it after chemotherapy.

There is also some evidence that acupuncture can reduce nausea during pregnancy, but more research is needed on this.

Most studies that reported benefits of acupressure stimulated the Neiguan acupuncture point, also known as P6.

You can stimulate this nerve on your own by simply placing your thumb two to three fingers away from the inner wrist, between the two prominent tendons.

After locating it, press it with your thumb for about a minute before repeating the same procedure on the other arm. Repeat if necessary.

4. Slice a lemon or inhale its essential oil

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Citrus scents, such as fresh-cut lemon, can help reduce pregnancy sickness.

In one study, a group of 100 pregnant women were instructed to inhale essential oils of lemon or almonds as soon as they felt sick. At the end of the four-day study, those in the lemon group felt that nausea had reduced by up to 9% than those who received the almond oil placebo.

Slicing a lemon or simply the peel can work in a similar way as it helps release its essential oils into the air. A bottle of lemon essential oil can be a practical alternative to use when you are away from home.

  • Lemon Benefits: From Health to Cleanliness

5. Control your breathing

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Edited and resized image by Darius Bashar is available on Unsplash

Breathing slowly and deeply can work as a remedy for seasickness.

  • Pranayama Breathing: Yoga Technique Can Be Very Beneficial

In one study, researchers tried to determine which essential oil was most effective in reducing motion sickness after surgery. They instructed the participants to slowly inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth three times while exposed to various odors.

All participants, including those in the placebo group, reported a decrease in motion sickness. This led researchers to suspect that controlled breathing might have been responsible for improving nausea.

In a second study, researchers confirmed that aromatherapy and controlled breathing work independently as a nausea remedy. In that study, controlled breathing was reduced in 62% of cases. The study's breathing pattern required participants to inhale through the nose at a count of three, hold their breath at a count of three, and exhale at a count of three.

6. Use fennel

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Edited and resized image of Cimabue is available on Pixabay

Fennel, also known as fennel, serves as a remedy for nausea caused by menstruation. A study published by the platform PubMed analyzed a group of women who received a powdered fennel capsule (30 mg) every four hours, three days before menstruation until day 5 for three months. The results of the analysis showed that fennel reduced nausea, menstrual period length, worry and malaise.

  • Fennel: learn about uses and benefits

7. Use cinnamon

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Edited and resized image by Joanna Kosinska is available on Unsplash

Like fennel, cinnamon serves as a home remedy for nausea caused by menstruation. According to a study that analyzed the effect of taking cinnamon capsules (420 mg) three times a day for 24 hours, cinnamon is a safe, effective and side-effect-free treatment for the treatment of nausea and menstrual pain; and it even reduces bleeding.

  • Cinnamon: benefits and how to make cinnamon tea

8. Use cumin

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Amisha Nakhwa image in Unsplash

People who have irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can use cumin as a home remedy for seasickness. According to one study, cumin extract can help improve IBS symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, constipation and diarrhea. But beware, some people are allergic or experience abdominal discomfort when ingesting cumin. Make sure you're not one of them.

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  • What is cumin seasoning for?

9. Relax your muscles

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Edited and resized image by Louis Hansel is available on Unsplash

Relaxing your muscles can help to stop seasickness. A study published by the platform PubMed concludes that progressive muscle relaxation training is effective in preventing as well as decreasing the frequency of post-chemotherapy nausea and vomiting.

Another way to relieve muscle tension is through massage. In one study, a group of patients undergoing chemotherapy received an arm or lower leg massage for 20 minutes during treatment. Compared with those who received no massage, massaged participants were 24% less likely to experience nausea.

10. Take a vitamin B6 supplement

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Edited and resized image of Amanda Jones is available on Unsplash

Vitamin B6 is increasingly recommended as an alternative treatment for pregnant women who prefer to avoid the conventional seasickness remedy.

Several studies report that vitamin B6 supplements, also known as pyridoxine, successfully reduce motion sickness in pregnancy (see studies here: 1, 2, 3, 4).

For this reason, several experts suggest taking vitamin B6 supplements during pregnancy as a treatment for seasickness.

Doses of vitamin B6 up to 200 mg per day are generally considered safe during pregnancy and have virtually no side effects. So this alternative therapy might be worth it.

However, there have not been many studies on this subject, and some have reported no effect on seasickness. For pregnant women who are having motion sickness, vitamin B6 is a safe and potentially effective alternative as a motion sickness remedy.

11. Avoid spicy or fatty foods

A simpler diet, consisting of foods such as bananas, potatoes, brown rice, can alleviate nausea and lessen the likelihood of an upset stomach.

12. Prefer smaller meals

Opt for smaller, more frequent meals when you can avoid seasickness and even reduce your symptoms.

13. Stand up after eating

Some people are more likely to develop reflux or nausea if they lie down within 30 to 60 minutes of a meal. So, if you are often nauseated, make sure the problem isn't a bad position after a meal.

14. Avoid liquids during meals

Drinking fluids with meals can make nausea worse in some people.

15. Stay hydrated

Dehydration can aggravate seasickness. If your nausea is accompanied by vomiting, drink electrolyte-rich fluids such as mineral water or vegetable broth.

16. Avoid strong smells

The strong smell of perfume, paints, among others, in addition to being, in many cases, harmful to health, can aggravate nausea, especially during pregnancy.

  • VOCs: Learn about volatile organic compounds

17. Avoid iron supplements

According to a study published by the platform PubMed, pregnant women with normal iron levels should avoid taking iron supplements during the first trimester because nausea may worsen .

18. Practice yoga

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Edited and resized image of Marion Michele is available on Unsplash

According to a study published by the platform PubMed, patients with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy treatment showed a significant reduction in motion sickness after yoga practice. In addition, there was also an improvement in levels of anxiety, depression and other symptoms of discomfort. Learn more about this topic in the article: "Yoga: ancient technique has proven benefits".

Heads up

Seasickness can appear in many situations and the above home remedy tips can help reduce seasickness without the use of conventional medications. However, if it is persistent, seek advice from your doctor.

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