Baking soda and lemon: powerful homemade duo

The combination of lemon and baking soda is among the most potent for homemade solutions. Know what the mixture is for

Baking with lemon

Monfocus image by Pixabay

Baking soda and lemon are two products with amazing properties and many uses, which enable them as options to replace cleaning products, processed foods and cosmetics. As well as separated, the mixture of baking soda with lemon is also very potent. Together, the effects of each product add up, creating stronger formulas.

Lemon, in addition to being a source of vitamin C and fiber, is rich in limonene, a terpene capable of diluting fat, fighting disease-causing agents and even preventing breast cancer. Despite being acidic, lemon has an alkaline effect on the body, as long as it is diluted in water. Learn about the uses and studies carried out on the properties of lemons in the matter: “Lemon benefits: from health to cleanliness”.

Sodium bicarbonate, in turn, is a natural chemical compound, classified as an alkaline salt, whose molecular formula is NaHCO3. It acts as a neutralizer, helping to reduce both acidity and alkalinity, and it also works as a buffering agent, preventing changes in the pH balance. Learn about the various uses of baking soda.

Baking with lemon

Many recipes indicate the intake of lemon with baking soda to lose weight, but be careful with miracle solutions to fight excess weight or obesity. Drinking lemon juice with bicarbonate can be part of an alkaline diet, just like drinking alkaline water, but it is not suitable for everyone and should be consumed with care.

As already noted, lemon and bicarbonate have an alkaline action in the body. But they are strong ingredients. The acidity of lemon may not be good for people with recurrent stomach pain or gastritis, for example, while baking soda should be avoided by people with high blood pressure, as it is a salt. Also, as with heartburn, it is important to avoid continuous use of baking soda with lemon juice for more than two weeks.

Ingesting too much sodium bicarbonate can cause the rebound effect, which increases the production of acid in the stomach and worsens the symptoms of diseases such as heartburn, in addition to causing stomach pain. Also make sure the baking soda is completely dissolved in the water. Anyway, it is essential to consult a doctor or doctor before starting to ingest homemade products based on baking soda with lemon.

  • Know other cases in which the use of bicarbonate requires attention in the article: "Is bicarbonate bad?"

If drinking water with lemon and baking soda is a controversial measure, there are uses of the mixture that are unbeatable.

Discover some recipes for baking with lemon

1. Unclog drain

Discover a formula of baking soda with lemon to clean your house's drains:

2. Beauty mask that helps to brighten the face

  • One spoon of baking soda
  • Half lemon juice

Apply over face, rubbing with hands. Leave on for 30 minutes and wash with cold water. Do not come into direct sunlight while having the solution on your face, as lemons in direct sunlight can cause burns and blemishes. Check out this and other homemade recipes in the article: “Learn about uses of baking soda for beauty”.

3. General cleaning

Mix baking soda with lemon and vinegar to create a general cleanser. Check out the recipe:

4. Lemon juice with baking soda

Take it in moderation and avoid continuous use. In small proportions, it can help to alkalinize the body and is a natural refrigerant option as the bicarbonate releases CO2, producing bubbles.

  • Juice from a squeezed lemon
  • A glass of water
  • A coffee spoon of baking soda

Mix all ingredients and drink. The ideal is to consume organic lemons and, if possible, avoid sugar. Discover "Six Natural Sweetener Options without Synthetic Sweetener".

5. Sanitary disinfectant

Mix some baking soda with vinegar, boiling water and lemon peel. Allow it to cool and use it as a disinfectant to clean the bathroom.

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